chapter 1-jasons distress

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The search party fanned out looking for her, the whole police force and a fare few town folk, all searching for a girl they didn't even know, but I know her, I knew everything about her, her favourite things, the way she would tie up her long brown hair when she was thinking hard like doing her homework, how when she looked at something as simple as a flower, she was going over and over different story ideas in her head, her stories oh god they would take you to another world, she is so talented, but she keeps putting herself down so she could push herself to be better but I thought she was amazing enough.

It was getting so cold very fast, and I began to worry more. We had to find her. I had to know that she was ok, that she was safe. 

We searched for hours through the tall forest, looking in every log under every bush. Still no sign.  

Then like a miracle a hand. I see a single pure white hand under an almost clear bush. 

"I found her!!!!!"I screamed out as I raced to her side. 

Throwing myself in front of her body, I began to throw away the debris that hid her body.  

She was barely wearing anything, only her black dress covered some of her figure, it was soaked, the wet fabric clinging to her body.  

I reached out to touch her. Her skin was ice cold and pale white. She was freezing. 

The other members of the search party came to my side . 

"We need to get her to the hospital"one said as he came closer. 

"Ill take her" I quickly said as I reached out and picked her up carefully. I wanted to be as close to her as I could.

She was rushed to the hospital and I was with her every step of the way. The doctor and nurses gave her oxygen and tried to wake her up a few times and were able to, but had to put her under again cause of her body being under such stress, they said she shouldn't have survived. She was covered in bruises, black and blue, I didn't notice before maybe cause her dress covered her body and she was covered in leaves it was hard to see. But someone had hurt her,someone had hurt my rach,my baby girl, my bub. I will make them pay at any cost. I'd already sent the text out to mates for them to keep an eye on a few people that I thought would be to blame. I will find who it was.

I was drawn from my thoughts by my phone going off. I checked it then slipped it back in my was just my mates keeping me updated. 

I never left Rach's side. I didn't for anything.shes everything to me and I can't bear to be apart from hand was clutched around hers holding it tightly letting her know I was there. 

Her family had come straight away when she was there,they didn't leave her either. No one could make me leave her side. I was starving myself at first because I wouldn't eat,I was to worried. Days passed and I only left to go to the bathroom but then came rushing back. Her family along with my own brought me food and drinks, but I barely touched them.

The situation continued like this for over two weeks and I still never left her side.  

I'd fallen asleep, holding her hand like always. 

I woke up suddenly and she was squeezing my hand. 

"Rach?" I whispered. 

She opened her eyes and looked into mine. 

"Jase.....Jason" she struggled to say. 

"Rach baby girl are you ok"  

"I.....I" she whispered again. 

"Don't talk baby...go back to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up ok" I hushed her, as I kissed her forehead.  

She nodded and closed her eyes. 

I leaned back in my chair a little still holding her hand and watched as her breathing calmed and she fell back asleep. 

Deep down I knew this was only the beginning that something big was going to happen if it hadn't already.

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