Chapter 14 - Do You Hear It?

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YuRa points her hand toward the left direction,

"There he is," she yells when she catches BaekHyun's image appearing in the middle of the big crowd. His friends are surrounding the big table. SuHo isn't there. Lay has to stay in the bar station to do his job. BaekHyun looks around and finds SuHo is talking to two women - his employees. However, his hand is on the shoulder of the young girl standing on his right. BaekHyun shakes his head and walks to the left end. KyungSoo moves out, leaving a spot for his friend. He places the laptop on his hand down the table. TaeYeon quickly moves the snack dish away.

"BaekHyun oppa, I heard they said you resigned. Why do you have to carry the laptop with you?" Yuki asks.

SuHo places the bottle of beer down on the table and waves his hand at Lay to ask him for more drinks.

"I can't stay unemployment. I have to find a job to get money buying cake from your husband." Joked BaekHyun .

"Push that away, I want to know the reason why you resigned. " KyungSoo speaks, patting on BaekHyun's shoulder. Lay runs out with a bucket of cold beer and hands it to Gong. The man grabs two bottles out hands one to BaekHyun and the other one giving to SuHo. SuHo quickly empties half of his bottle. He places his hand on BaekHyun's shoulder,

"I thought you won't ever want to leave that position. You can work, you can get money, and you can get free girls. Most of them are famous models. I can't think of another reasons for you to not wanting to work there." states Lay.

BaekHyun says nothing. He enjoys his beer while browsing around the website looking for new advertisement.

"The only reason I can think of is if he tries to protect a beautiful girl. That girl must be prettier than any models around him." Gong says.

TaeYeon looks at him, "I heard Sunny said that the problem is about the signing contract with the theater. I thought Son NaEun helped you, and the problem has already been solved."

"At least there must be someone taking responsibility when the problem occurred." BaekHyun replied grabbing a piece of salty peanut.

"Ya, anyone who studies business must know that the issue should be handled by the Marketing Department. You are an Operation Manager." YuRa argues.

"You are right; however, the Operation Manager also plays an important role. I must review the contact right after the meeting day, but I didn't. This does consider as a part of my fault." BaekHyun corrects.

"The problem is not big enough for you to resign." KyungSoo says, "You have worked for TMS for more than two years. This is not the first time you have make the mistake. This can't be considered as a big problem either. Something so powerful at the back forced you to make this decision." KyungSoo continues. SuHo jumps to his best buddy's mouth, "Must be a woman taking place. The teddy bear girl," he says.

BaekHyun hits his friend's hand, "You should change your career. Follow KyungSoo. he will teach you how to be a detective, nonsense." He mumbles and continues moving his hand around his laptop

"BaekHyun oppa, why didn't you take this chance to take a little break before getting back to work?" YuRa says and closes the laptop down, "You barely go on a vacation. This is a good opportunity." The girl speaks.

"Take some cute girls to Hawaii with you." SuHo teases.

BaekHyun pulls the laptop back and opens it. He continues, "I have to find the job. MiYoung..." He careless spills the name. BaekHyun knows right away, closes his mouth and looks up. His friends are staring at him. They are his best friend since childhood. Whenever they have a friend gathering, their topics are fun, teasing each other and discussing the problem. BaekHyun is always the main topic. However, he barely or never mentions the name of a girl in front of his friends except if someone forces him. His friends love to tease him, but they know clearly how he is. People around him thinks that he is a playboy having a lot of girlfriends. However, only his best friends know, he never dates, not even once. After his parents died from protecting him, he blamed himself. He thought he would bring bad luck to everyone around him. Thus, he doesn't dare or wants to love anyone. KyungSoo can read tarot card and tells his friends their futures. A lot of time, he tells BaekHyun his thought, but BaekHyun never listens.

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