Chapter 32 - My Legend

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The meeting ends at 2 p.m. While cleaning the file, JongDae bends to the left and talks in his sister's ear,

"I didn't have any chance to ask you this morning after coming back from my trip. I heard that you fainted at home last week, and there were some problem with the heart. Why didn't anyone tell me while I was away?" He complains and touches on MiYoung's forehead.

MinSeok sticks his eyes on his siblings and pays attention on the conversation between MiYoung and JongDae. The sister grins and shakes her head,

"I don't have a fever." She reminds him while pushing JongDae's hand away. "I'm totally healthy. Everyone has heart problems. The difference is whether it is a serious problem or not. I'm not facing with serious problem. I'm really healthy." She states.

JongDae doesn't want to let it go that easily. His sister pushes the chair back ready to stand up, but he catches her hand again,

"I'm taking it serious here. I talked to my friend and have already set up an appointment for you to check up. You have to come with me today no matter what." MiYoung shakes her head with disbelief,

"You are not joking, right?" She assures.

"Do I look like kidding with you?" JongDae asks; his expression doesn't change.

Hearing an argument between his daughter and his son, he doesn't bother to comment or get involve. Instead, he tries to analysis his thought and the conversation he had earlier with his friend. He looked at his subordinates one by one leaving the big room and the young man. He does pay attention on the young man's performance and his presentation. He knows that the young man is his son's best friend, but he never once talked or saves his time to get to know the young man. BaekHyun wants to wait for his girlfriend, but somehow, it feels awkward for standing alone in the room with her family members. Thus, he forces to stand up and be the last person leaving the room beside the Kim's.

"Mr. Byun, if you don't mind, I want to talk with you privately." MiYoung's father says.

The sentence forces to stop MiYoung and JongDae's argument. BaekHyun looks around to meet his girlfriend's eye. MiYoung glances at him and looks at her father. JongDae pulls her hand,

"What have you done?" He asks, silently in her ear. The girl throws her shoulder,

"I don't know anything." She murmurs.

BaekHyun pulls the chair and sits down on his old position. The father looks at his kids,

"I thought you guys heard the word 'privately'." He speaks.

MinSeok grasps his hand around MiYoung's shoulder,

"Let's go." Said MinSeok.

JongDae gives her a comfortable signal as he pulls the chair and sits down,

"appa, you don't mind if I stay, right?" MiYoung hears her brother's sentence before MinSeok closes the door.

"Are you hungry? Lets find something to eat." He suggests.

The girl doesn't answer. She looks through the window, but none of the men looks at her. MinSeok taps her shoulder,

"What's wrong?" He concerns.

"Do you know what's going on? Why did appa want to talk to BaekHyun?" She questions but her eyes doesn't want to leave her boyfriend. She is scared and concerned. Many questions are bugging her. MinSeok folds his hand in front of his chest as he observes his sister,

"Now, tell me what is the relationship between you and Mr. Byun?" Asked MinSeok.
~*~ * ~*~ @ ~*~ * ~*~

Mr. Kim hits his son's hand

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