Chapter 34 - Forever

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He carried a big stack of document and leaves the office entering the parking. A new car is there waiting for him. He picks the car in silver, MiYoung's favourite colour. His phone rang before he reached the door, 

"Hello," BaekHyun asked and got inside the car. He placed the Bluetooth on, so he could have a conversation with his friend while testing the new car.

"BaekHyun, the wall picture is finished hanging there. You will be impressing with our work. I'm sure JiEun will jump right into your arm, and a big kiss won't be leaving out." Lay said exciting as he watches TaeYeon and Kathy cleaning up the mess. 

Lay stared at the wedding picture, "You two won't apply for being models are a waste. The picture is so beautiful, pretty and attractive. You two look perfectly for each other." He praised.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'll get the message. Now tell me so far how many invitations responds have we received so far?" He asks, and without hearing anything, a big bump grasps his attention. The car, behind his car, hits hardly on the back of his girlfriend's new car. 

"What is going on?" BaekHyun mutters. 

He pulls the seatbelt out, but there wasn't  a chance for him to open the door. He heard shooting sound. A bullet ran through the mirror and landed on the passenger seat. BaekHyun is frighten. He hits the gas pedal and moves the car up. He sees two cars are following him. The gun keeps shooting, 

"BaekHyun," Lay yells out loud, "are you ok? What's going on?" he hears his friend yells. 

However, there is nothing he can say. He doesn't even know what has happened. All he knows is he must escape from this dangerous situation. "Bump..." and another time, his car gets hit. He slits his hand and the wheel is spinning. His head bumps the right mirror. Out of sudden, the car drops down into the sea. BaekHyun struggled around. His hands and legs hurt. Water starts to fill up the car through many tiny bullet holes. He pushes hardly on the door, but he doesn't have any strength at all. A giant iron cube drops on the top of the car. It hits hardly onto his chest. Luckily, the hit breaks the window. He scratches his hand through the glass and escapes the car. His blood mixes with water. BaekHyun swims away from the dangerous zone. He can't think and doesn't know the direction. Swimming for ten minutes, he starts to get tired. BaekHyun doesn't want to struggle or suffer anymore. He gives up and begins to sink down to the bottom of the sea. His mind still works and his girlfriend's image appears. He can't leave her; he can't hurt her feelings. They have a bright and happy future. He can't give up his life. BaekHyun starts moving his hand and continues to swim. He doesn't know much anymore. His brain is dead. All he knows is before going through the unconscious stage, he hears a voice of a girl, 

"Daddy, someone is in our net. Look like he is hurt."

~*~ @ *@* @ ~*~ @~~'~~ ~*~ @ *@* @ ~*~

Seeing the car stops in front of her. She smiles and rushes over. JongDae pulls the window down.

"Du Eonomi" he greets. 

JungNan faces turns red when the catches the girl sits in her son's car, 

"Eooma," MiYoung smiles. She opens the door and walks out. 

"JiEun, Du Eonomi, you guys stay here and wait for me. I'm going to park the car and will be back." JongDae tells.

"Ok," MiYoung nods. After the car disappears, she turns to the mother, 

"Did you have in mind what you are going to get for appa?" She asks.

"What are you doing here?" The mother asks, word by word, spits it out through the clench of her teeth. 

It scares the daughter. MiYoung steps back one-step; KyungSoo's warning grasps her attention. Through the look from her mother's eyes, she feels as her mother could kill her anytime. 

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