Chapter 1

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HHYL Fanfic 1

HHYL fanfic chapter 1

A fine fresh morning in late autumn, the breeze had carried the cold winter air.

As usual, Lu Cang, after spending a vigorous night with Jing, woke up by the knock on the door.

"Master.... Wake up yet??" His personal attendant, Xiao Sang had come to deliver his morning routine's appliances. - Hot water to clean and to freshen up his tired body in the cold morning.

Lu Cang stirred and stretched his body before realizing his stark naked body. He quickly grabbed his scattered sleeping robe and put them on before answering the door.

"Yes, come in...." Xiao Sang slowly opened the door and politely entered the room. The overwhelmingly thick scent of loving making greeted his sense of smell all at once. --- He was used to this kind of sensual aroma. It wasn't like he didn't know his master and the Emperor's relationship. He just pretended that he didn't notice in order not to embarrass his kind master.

Xiao Sang had followed Lu Cang since he was the bandit king at Mount Lu Cang. Being the weakest in term of kung-fu among the brothers, Xiao Sang considered himself extremely fortunate to be chosen as the bandit king's personal attendant. . He was allowed to stay by his master's side all the time He got to stay by his master's side all the time, unlike the brothers in Hangzhou.

Speaking of the brothers, after the Luo Rong Rong case, they realized how foolish they were, to try to hide something as important as that from the Emperor. They were lucky Jing didn't punish them for their foolishness as Lu Cang was there to defend them. Nonetheless, Jing warned them that he would not tolerate the second foolishness attempt.

Though Lu Cang was a bandit king, never once he mistreated his underlings, to this point one could say he cared for them as his family. And even after his master had become the Emperor's man, only his status had changed, his attitude remained intact. ---- Xiao Sang was always so proud of his Big Brother for this.

"Ah, yes... " Xiao Sang suddenly reminded of Jing's message before he left this morning. "His Majesty asked you to have your lunch with His Majesty in the imperial palace." Xiao Sang told Lu Cang as he prepared for Lu Cang's clothes for the day. ---- He prepared a light purple robe made of fine thick material with much less embroidery since Lu Cang didn't fancy it. He prepared light purple clothes made of a fine thick material that was less in embroidery since Lu Cang didn't fancy it.

Lu Cang knitted his sword like brows and slightly pouted. He never liked the idea of casually entering the imperial palace for a mere lunch or anything as trivial as that.

To lighten up his mood, Xiao Sang added, "And I heard that General Mu Yue has returned from his conquering the east expeditions."

"Ah! General Mu is back. Then I should greet and congratulate him first." Lu Cang's eyes shone with a brilliant light as if he suddenly found a purpose.

Originally, to make Lu Cang stayed by his side most of the time, Jing assigned Lu Cang to the Internal Affairs Administration, however, thanks to last year Northern Inspection's incident, Lu Cang was put in a pin and needle situation --- Though nobody dared enough to complain directly nor say anything about it, Lu Cang could still feel their silent scolding. --- Their sour expression and their despising eyes when they look at him.

Not to mention Zheng, Jing's younger twin, the second in command for National Affairs. Being in the Internal Affairs meant Lu Cang had to meet Zheng occasionally. --- Zheng rarely entered the royal palace, only when there were grand banquets or formal court assemblies would he turned up. - Or when Jing called for him. Zheng always gave Lu Cang this weird look, as if weighing and measuring his worth. --- Apparently he hadn't forgotten the royal dog, Fuqi's kidnapper. Not completely hostile, but nonetheless, enough to make Lu Cang couldn't sit comfortably and feeling extremely awkward and embarrassed.

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