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I wake up with Alaska sitting next to me in a full reindeer suit, looking at me like I'm made of candy!
-What are you wearing? I mumble while rubbing the sleep off of my eyes.
-It's cute! She says like it explains why she's wearing it.
I lean in and whisper:
-It be cuter if I could take it off.
My hand is not even close to the suit that she pushes me back and I fall on my pillow.
-Nah han, she says, not it this house!
-Fine, I say while pulling the sheets over my head.
-Get up! She says. You have to put on yours!
-Mine? What do you mean, mine?

Ten minutes later I'm dressed as a reindeer too, with the ears and tail, and my eyes are shooting arrows at my girlfriend. She keeps jumping around like an excited five years old and I can't help but fall in love even more with her. I walk down the stairs behind her and I start laughing at what I see. Around the breakfast table, Colin, Daniel, Spencer, Logan and Susan, all wearing Christmas costumes. Logan and Daniel are both Santa, Colin is an elf, Susan is Mrs. Claus and Spencer is a wrapped gift. I laugh so hard my belly hurts.

-Why you laughing, Colin asks with his mouth full of pancakes.

-You guys look ridiculous!

He looks around at everybody else.

-I don't see it. Come on Rudolph, come eat!

I can see the shining spark in his eyes, the same his cousin has a lot. I sit down next to Daniel and Alaska and she leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

-Alaska Sailor, not in this house! A strong voice calls out from behind us.

Her lips are suspended only millimetres away from my skin, I can feel her breathing growing faster. Scared. She's scared of her. I turn around to face Jean Butler, one of the greatest dancer of all time, who right now is no one but my girlfriend's mother.

-Yes in this house! Yes everywhere! I love Alaska and she loves me, and we are allowed to show the world that our love is beautiful and real, like every body else! So she'll be who she is wherever and whenever she wants! If you've got a problem with it, leave.

I know I must look ridiculous in my suit, red plastic nose shining over my forehead, but I know she took me seriously when I feel her hand slam my left cheek.

-How dare you, you little...

-Jean that's enough! Susan says.

Everybody stops moving.

-You've made your daughter suffer for way too long for something she has no control over. You have two choices here! Or you apologize to your daughter and Olivia and sit you self-obsessed ass down on that chair and eat with your family, or you take you business somewhere else.

There's so much authority, so much power in Susan's voice that nobody would dare contradict her in that moment. Jean sits down, not apologizing, and takes a sip of tea. We finish eating in silence.


The tension stays with us until the night, but when Spencer calls its time for present, it disintegrate in the air. I'm curled up in a blanket on the couch with a cup of hot coco, looking at the boys and my girlfriend opening their presents. When she hands me one I stay surprise a little, but I knew she would get me something. I also got her something, of course. I open the cute little box to find a delicate silver bracelet. A small heart is hanging from the chain.

-It's beautiful.

She puts it on me and I feel a storm of love clouding my heart. A beautiful storm, with lightning and marvellous colors. I kiss her softly, like a whisper, letting all the words I want to say rest on her lips. I've never loved her so much, I could never love her less. She's my storm, my everything.


The second part of my gift, I find it outside after we opened all the gifts. Alaska is waiting near her uncle's truck, ready do drive.

-We'll be in New York in 2 and a half our.

-You're serious? I ask.

-Come on, she answers. Your brother is waiting!

I jump on the passenger seat and we roll in the night. Two hours and 43 minutes later we park in front of the hotel. I open the car door in an instant, running like zombies are after me. I repeatedly slam the command button of the elevator with my thumb until the doors open in front of me. Alaska, who took her time, slides in right next to me. The elevator climbs up and open on the penthouse. I run in the dark house and into my brother's room. He's sleeping in his bed like a little angel. I knell in front of him and, as soft has a butterfly's wing, I caress his cheek. His eyes open in an instant and he wraps his little arms around my neck.

-I knew you would come.

-Merry Christmas little brother.

Outside the window, big snowflakes are falling, heavy and slow. The world stands still for a second, here in this room. Here in this room, there's love and warmth and security, and life is good.


Laying in my bed, my arms around her, my lips resting on her neck, I feel perfect.

-Marry me, I whisper.

-No, she whispers. You're the one who has to marry me.

I can hear the smile in her voice.

-Of course I'll marry you, she whispers.

-This is everything I want, you're everything I want. You're perfect.

-Perfect doesn't exist.

-All right, then you're perfectly unperfected, but you're perfect for me.

-I love you too infinity, she says.

-I love you too infinity plus 1.

She laugh and I feel her breathing steady. She's sleeping and life is perfect.

Don't let me fall (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now