Chapters 1-3

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Eileen was a normal teenaged girl. She was tomboy who did everything with her twin brother,Niall. When Niall suddenly left her for the X Factor things started to change.

She went to a parties, got wasted, smoked cigarettes and had sex with god knows who. She started to dating a punk ass, Derek. When things suddenly went wrong with Derek she met Daniel. Daniel changed her for the better. She quit partying, and she be came head cheerleader,and became very popular.

When high school ends and she starts her modeling career, she decides to visit her brother and finally met his band, One Direction. When things start to heat up with one of the boys,the past comes back to bite her in the ass. Will One Direction

still put up with her? All the secrets. All the lies. But the real question is will the truth EVER come out?


As Niall climbed into the cab, I couldn't help but start crying. Niall was my big brother,or at least I considered him to be. Me and Niall are twins and well I came out first, but I act like he is my big brother. He was always there for me. We did everything together. Now he was just leaving. For 8 months. I repeat..8. MONTHS!! How would live without him. I didn't want to keep him from his dream,but I didn't want him to go either. Niall was going to audition for the X Factor. He has the most amazing voice and I knew he would at least get to the finals. But I didn't want him to leave me here all alone.

I ran to the cab and swung open the door before he could leave me. "Eileen are you crying?" Niall asked as I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm just going to miss you so much Niall. What am I supposed to do while your away?!" I said, now bailing my eyes out."El, it's going to be okay we will still talk all the time." He said trying to comfort me. "Umm m' am I'm sorry but if we don't leave now we will not make the fight." The cab driver explained to me, trying not to be too rude. I nodded at him and just gave my big brother another big hug. He got back into the cab. I just bawled my eyes out as I watched the car slowly drive away,out of sight.

While my brother was away, I found myself getting into a lot of trouble. I started hanging out with Derek, the punk ass of my class. He was someone to occupy me while my brother wasn't there. He started taking me to these parties,I didn't want to be the schools laughing joke if I said no so I figured I would just tag along. It turned out that its very hard to say no to alcohol. I started smoking too, thanks to Derek. I found myself sneaking into clubs wearing the cutest little dresses that defiantly didn't cover as much as they should have.

Me and Derek started to date and we got pretty serious. I was actually really happy dating him, that was until I walked in on him cheating on me with some Hannah bitch. I was so pissed off and hurt. How could he have done something like this to me. I thought he loved me and I thought I loved him too. Man was I way off! Here he had been playing me the whole time. That's when I started becoming a BIG partiier. I loved to go to club get drunk and hit on random guys. After what happened with Derek I just kind of gave up on love and was in it more for the fun of shaking my ass.

Chapter 2

It was a Saturday night and I had snuck into my favorite club, the Roxberry. I was on the dance floor shaking my ass against some guy I had no idea who he was and a drink in my hand. I suddenly got a call. I looked at my iPhone as it rang showing Niall's name across the screen. " shit" I muttered to myself. I set my drink down and ran out the back. The big heavy door slammed shut as I slid the slider over to answer the call.

" Hey El!" Niall screamed into the speaker. " NIALL!" I screamed back. I had missed my brother so much we hadn't talked in a while. He was always so busy with rehearsals and I was either always out or at a photoshoot. Me and Niall were now 18 and we both living on our own. I was a Victoria's Secret model and Niall was in a boy band that was breaking millions of little girls hearts. They ended up taking 3rd place on the X Factor,but unfortunately I didn't get to see it I was so busy with my other things like cheer, modeling and school.

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