Outside of the house

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I always sit under the tree waiting for something magical to happen. Nothing ever does, but I still wait. Someday I could find my special one or be creative. The trio always told me about the teachers. There was three of them. One of them was for creativity, time, and for finding my special one. The trio always knew when there was a new one. They could sense it. It was their special power...I guess you can call it that.

I always tried to time how long it would take for another one to come. I never could master it though. It would always be different intervals of time. I could always ask them, but they would always be busy. So, I let them have their space and I had mine.

Today was different. They weren't having any fun. So, it was up to me to show them a good time. I planned on it. So, I went to the tree and paced back and forth until I thought of something. After a while, it got tiring. So, I stopped pacing and leaned against the tree. I thought about my laptop and how I could find something on there to do. I quickly ran to the front door and opened it.

They were on the couch reading, but I guess they moved. Now they were in the dining room sitting at the table. Harry was on the left, Manny in the middle,and Robin on the end.They were zoned out,so I left them alone. I ran upstairs and went in my room. I shut the door and hopped on my bed.

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