The son of Malec

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   He was beautiful, he was a miracle within itself. Alec now possessed immortality without losing his title as Nephilim. Before a battle Magnus had conducted a spell that nearly ended his life, someway somehow through their new bond that allowed Alec to be immortal he was able to save the warlock. 

  Due to the mixture of both their magic a child was born. They were both in such shock that neither moved until the baby made a cry. 

Charlie Maximus Lightwood Bane

  He was beautiful and the first of his kind, a mix of angel, demon, and human. He had Alec's pale skin, Magnus's slight Asian features, and jet black hair. But it was his eyes that captured everyone around him. One blue and one yellow-green, both were cat shaped. 

  They loved him, and for the rest of eternity though dealing with the death of their aging family members hurt those three continued to love each other for eternity. 

Malec one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now