Happy Birthday

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    A man with black hair and blue eyes was walking around his most feared place. 

      The mall 

All around him were loud people and flashing lights and so many smells he was starting to get a headache. 

   "Doing this for Magnus" he muttered to himself

   "Okay Alec think, Magnus's birthday is in two days what on earth would he like" 

At that moment in time his phone began to ring, moaning at the caller ID he answered 

  "Yes Jace"

 "It's so good to hear how much you love me Alec"

"Shut up. Shouldn't you be resting? 

"The wound that demon gave me is practically healed"

"No it's not shut up and go back to bed before I have to tie you down"

"Save the dirty talk for Magnus"

 At the sound of his boyfriend's name he groaned

"What's wrong?"

"I'm at the mall trying to find him something for his birthday" 

"Ah well good luck" 

  With that Jace hung up 


   Alec once again began walking around the store

"Okay Alec what does Magnus like, makeup, glitter, basically any beauty product."

  "Hello there"

"Oh hi" 

 Next to him was a girl in jean shorts and a black and white crop top. 

"I'm Kathy" 


"So what's a handsome guy like you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a gift for someone"

"Oh well maybe I can help?" she started batting her eyelashes and leaning forward a bit

"Oh um well" 

"Oh come on tell me about your friend"

"Well my boyfriend likes makeup, and glitter, and brand name stuff and I know nothing" 

"And you call yourself a gay" the girl joked after a moment of pause

  Chuckling I let her lead the way

"You said your boyfriend likes makeup?" 


  In the wall was a Walmart, the girl lead Alec right to the makeup section 

"Well I don't know your boyfriends tastes so I'll let you have at it"

"Thanks" Alec smiled at the girl

  After they exchanged numbers the girl left leaving Alec was left to his own devices. After having an over look of all the products Alec was actually able to find things he deemed Magnus.  Alec continued to walk around and actually found some good things. 

  Walking back out, he headed towards a store named Marshals, he didn't know what it was, but the displays were nice.


"Oh Alec darling get up get up!"

"Hmm Magnus- what is it"

"Is there something you want to say to me?"

'You bastard you found the presents" Alec smiled

"If it helps i didn't open them'

"I bet you shook them" 


  Laughing Alec sat up while pressing a kiss against the warlocks strawberry flavored lips 

 "Happy birthday 1,000 Magnus Bane"

'You ass" Magnus smacked Alec's arm "You're suppose to be nice" 

  Laughing Alec stood up taking the warlock's hand and leading him out of the room. Together they both began to make pancakes while having a mini food fight in the process. 

"Okay Okay sit down and close your eyes" Alec said 

  Squalling Magnus sat down on the couch just as the cat jumped up on his lap wanting to part of all the attention. 

  "Little rascal" Magnus heard Alec sitting next to him and petting the cat 

"Okay open"

  "Oh Alexander you didn't have to!" he exclaimed when he opened his eyes

There were four colorfully wrapped gift boxes between the two

"Shut up It's your birthday" 

Squalling Magnus kissed Alec before snatching one of the gift boxes. 

"Izzy and Clary wrapped them"

"I figured cutie" 

   Inside the first box was a mixture of body lotions and bath care products. 

  The second box had tubes of loose colorful glitter

  The third box had a shiny leather purple jacket 

  The final box had a mix of makeup and nail polish

"Oh my gosh Alec!" 

    The warlock was so happy! He was so surprised when he opened the gifts, he didn't know Alec had it in him. Magnus had been around for a long time yes, but on most birthdays he was either alone or his lovers forgot and made it hell. Alec was the only really good thing to come into his life in a very long time. So opening up this gifts that actually suited him very made him extremely happy and not just because it was his birthday.  His thoughts were cut shot when said Shadow hunters lips pressed against his once more. 

"Happy birthday Magnus Bane" 

If you guys are interested in what kind of makeup Alec bought Magnus it was inspired by the Revlon photoready eye art collection. The new Maybelline baby lips and so forth. 

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