Chapter 6

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Becca's POV

As I started to open my eyes, I winced in pain as the anaesthetic started to wear off. I looked around the room and saw my brother and sister asleep in the chairs on either side of my bed. Suddenly Antonio started to wake.

"Heyyy" I croaked

" hey when did you wake"

" a couple minutes ago"

" you should of woke me up"

" their was no need your awake now aren't you?"

"Obviously , haven't you become sarcastic"

We both burst out laughing causing gabby to wake, she looked around sleepily as she woke up properly.

"Hey big sis good sleep"

" sort of, how you feeling?"

" better now but still a little painful"

"Okay" gabby said as she checked the time on her phone " hey I'm sorry I got to go to work I'm already late, I'll see you in a bit when your dis-charged"

" okay gab's Ill see you later love you"

" bye gab love ya" antonio hollered.

As gabby left the doctor entered. " hey becca how you feeling"

" good a little sore but alright"

" that's great, we'll bring in the paper work in a bit for you to go home"

" okay thank you"

3 hours later

As I got in the car Antonio said that we had to stop by the district so he could pick up the twins that Erin had kept watch off and to get some paperwork.

I walked up to intelligence and waited for Antonio to let us through the gate. I walked up to the unit, everyone has their heads down deep in a case.

" hey everyone"

" hey becca you feeling better" Lindsay said as she hugged me followed by the rest of the unit.

" yeh way better"

I went into the break room as Antonio talked with Vioght and the others about the case. I picked up one if the twins out their stroller and gave her a hug. At least things seem better know I thought to myself.

The long road ahead~ Dawson family storyWhere stories live. Discover now