chapter 11 jack past

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there was a little boy playing in the snow alone. he was bilding a little snow man but then it fell apart and the boy look up to see a girl with pig tail raven hair and dark eye.

can i pway with you?"

oky, what your name?"

ali, what your's?"

im jack"

frost, your jack frost!"

what? no, im not, im jack"

sowy frost, what are were doing?"

im trying to make a snow man"

i dont know how to make a snowman but i can make this"

what are you doing?" almost done"

what is it?"

it's a snow bunny"

uh what? a bunny i don't see it"

well it still need a eye and ear"

mmm what can we use for eye and ear?"

uh i have to marble"

yay we have the eye of our bunny oh look here i have two leaves"

why do you have leave in your pock it?"

there pretty" her answer was smiple and she told the little jack to turn around and cougnt to 10

when he turn around and opend his eye he could see the snow bunny for ear it hade yellow green ish leaves and for the eye it hade his favorite marble.

i see it!!"

let pway "


jack hade made a new friend name ali but her full bame was alison they played intill they were tried and soon the little girl hade to leave but befor she left she told him.

that the 24 of dicembre was her brith day and that hi was invited , he promice him that he would wait every 24 of dicembre right here in this park.

a few day later he was playing video game in his room and heard his mother call him for diner as soon as he heard his name he put his game in pause and ran down stair to see his mother sitting in the chare across his father.

they aet like a peaceful that they were as soon as there were finish ech one of them help to clean up.

one day he woke up to see it was the 24 the day of the girl brith day and he forgot what to give her so he ran down stair to get some paper and stared to make a brith day card , he draw him and the girl holding hand and the snow bunny in the midle.

the mother was curios to see her son hade a smile on his face wile drawing the card for his new friend, as the mother took a peek at the drawing her heart melted to see that her son hade a crush so fast and young.

and whoo is she?"

maaaa' she my friend"

a girl friend!" the mother teesd her son hade rost red cheek

eeww no " the little jack said

what going on hear?" the father came out and came in the kitchen

oh look honey jack hase a crush" the mother said wiggling her eye brow and
the father rayse a brow and look to see his son's face red and the father could not help but smile at his son.

the little jack stop drawing and left to his room and play with his action figure but i it did not help to get his friend name out of his head. so he took a nape.

when he woke up he whent down stair to see his father crying and he whent to his father and ask what's worng.

the father only look up to see his son face and look down agian and staret to sob.
the young boy did not know that his mother was gone and i mean she was dead.

the doctor did not know what happend to her and they called the father to tell him the sad news , the new hit him like a truck and he did not wanted to say that his mother will never come back and that she was dead so the only thing he thought about was to lie to his only son

that his mother cheated on him and left him al though it was crual to lie to a child but he hade to and since that day.

jack stared to trust woman less and less ech day but still waited for his friend to arive at the park were they meet but the only problem was the friend forgot in witch park they frist meat..

soon he lost all trust in all female and when he finaly meet up with his friend agian she was someone elas.

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