chapter 10 Alison past

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chapter 11
Allison past

it was the 24 of December there was a little girl that had dark hair and big dark eye was sleeping peacefully on her bed.

until her little eye pop opened she jump out of bed and ran to her window to see it was starting to snow, the eye of the little girl sparkle with excitement and she left her pink room and ran though the hall way and opened the door where her mom and dad where fast asleep.

the little girl crall into the bed of her parent and stated to jump,giggle and scream form the top of her lung.

Mommy, Daddy it my birth day wake up. come one let's play in the snow. wake upp you sleepy head's!!" the little girl shook there parent

they opened there eye look up to see the little girl as he jump on the bed once more and landed into her parent arm.

Allison" the

hello baby girl happy birth day" the mother said as she kiss her forehead

hi mama ,papa" she said so Inosently

ew did you wash you mouth?"
the mother said as she look at her child , the girl shook her head and ran out of the room to the bath room to wash her mouth as soon as she was finish she came back to her parent.

all done" she said with a
chiky grin on her face

alright let go eat breakfast what do you want dear?"

Pancake!!!" the girl said jumping up and down then ran to her room and took a quick bath when she came down the smell of fresh pancake slap get across her face and now her mouth was water.

once the eat the girl told her parent that she wanted to go to the park to play with her knew friend , her parent did not think much if the weather and so there we getting ready to leave the house.

wait ali,ali, not to fast your gonna fall" the worried mother scolded her daughter then her phone when off the mother took the call

hello there mother, how's Eli doing... i know his a bit of a handful , what an angle are you sure this is my son mom?
any way we will be are way so we can pick up Eli so we can celebrate Allison birthday yes at the you to good bye mother"

was that gran ma?" the little girl ask as she tild her head to the side making her cute

yep that was gran ma don't worry we will go to the park but were going to gran ma so we can bring your brother."


as the when to the gram's house as they pick Eli up he when inside the car and flick the forehead of her baby sister.


happy birth day Al"

you did not have to hit me big meany"

as the girl keep sang what douse the fox say over and over and over again , Eli her brother was getting tired of hearing it to he put witch doctor witch was way worse coz now she sang that over and over and will not stop.

her brother Eli just gave up and sang with her looking out the window but, the next thing the knew they were airborne the car started to spin and crash ,car part every, windows shattering, blood cortaling scream can be hear inside of the terrified family,

Alison! Eli!!"" the mother scream the name of her child

for the two children that was inside the car the saw it was in slow motion.

when the car finally stop the child was the first one to get out of the crash sight the child were coved in blood some where there owner blood some was not there parent were half out but barely alive.

the father was telling that they loved them and hat they were sorry and never leave each other, as the mother was trying to reach her beloved husband hand and touch her child face on more time.

my angel ill see you soon. Allison"

mommy?! daddy!? no don't go take me with youuuuuu!"
as she scream to her heart out but there were no answer form there parent so she when to her parent body and held them tightly not willing to let them go even if she was covered in blood.

the police came when they had a call of someone the person did not say his or her name, when the police arrived they found the child in there dead parent arm, the officer's were heart broken to see such a sad sight but one of the office notice that the children were still breathing.

Sir! the child there still alive!"

get them to the hospital Asap! how the parent"

no they did not make it"

as the police officer try to take the children away form there parent , the little girl cry, kick and scream trying to reach er mother, father and brother.
once they reach the hospital she was separated form her brother the only sibling alive she told the nurse that she wanted to go to gran ma but that was not gonna happened.

once the gran mother hear what happened to her daughter she had a heart attack and could not reach to her medication in time.

now the children are in a orphanage the once happy and talkative was now a different child.

Eli was taking away from her sister and with his nice family but Allison did not had the same fate the was taken away that seem to be a nice couple but were really alcoholic and drug user they only wanted Allison so they could have more money so they could my moly. when Allison was gonna tell on them they smack the poor girl across her face.

sooner or later they found out and took Allison back to the orphanage but the girl lost all trust in everyone but her brother but from all the smack she receive she had lost peace of her memory and her fear of talking because her body and mined think she was gonna get slap. she will not eat nor sleep form the fear of her mother death will hunt her.

one day she found her brother hugging her tightly never wanting to let go and so they made a promise that they will never leave each other side. soon after that the two sibling hear that there was a young couple and with a little child wanting to have a new little sister.

when Allison when to her old way her room was dark and was always alone and never wanted to talk to anyone but her brother , but the little girl name Lilia was determined to make her friend with her or better yet her new sister and she stared break Allison wall down .

soon there were a family and Allison always keep in touch with her beloved brother but she all way keep going to the park then to her parent grave then when back to the park.

still waiting for her friend that never show up but still keep being until on day he did show up but he keep her waiting longer then expective.

the only thing she remember about her little friend was his honey eye and his name was jack but since they meet in winter she always called him jack frost and they mad a promise that ever 24 they would meet at the park.

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