chapter 9

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Allison, ali ali, Aaaaliiii!" there was my mom waking me up then when were trying to go the car and i hear my mom yelling on the ground blood every where and yet i still could not do anything

Ahhhhhhhgg!" i woke up when i hear a scream and i soon realize where did that scream came was me
who scream let it out. that wake me out of that vived memory

Al im here its gonna be okay" i hear a voice and i look around me to see Lilia sitting on a chair holding my left hand and Eli holding my right and jack is standing in the back of the room

wha? Lilia, Eli, jack?" i ask still in a scread state

it was just a nightmare there nothing to be scared of " Lilia said hugging me

i.. im i was" i said as i stared to sob

its okay we know" Eli said rubbing my hand up and down

i miss school..i need get the note" i said

don't worry they cancel the test for a movie it okay if you skip a few day you will still pass" Lilia said a bit nervous

so is it really okay?" i ask whipping my tear away

yeah and im staying with you all the way ,k?"Lilia said as he hug me once more

k" it was a simple replay

okay will be just out the door if you need us" Lilia said and Eli nod his head... i could tell they did not eat nor sleep in a few day... my step sister and my brother...

okay" i said

everyone left but jack, now he was sitting in a chair next to my bed, he had a baseball cap black shirt and a dark blue pant.

then when i move closer to see him better his eye were closed and his breath was heavy so he was that see him up close he have bag under his eye.

i gently took his hair out of the way then his eye pop opened and that stupid but cute smirk appears.

like was you see?" he said with that smirk on his face now i want to slap it off

i though you were asleep" i told him

im a very light sleeper honey" he said

well u..i..i was trying to-"i try to make up an excuse but the pet name he told me got me blushing and i was soon cut off

Allison?" i said my full name he never said that

uh?"that what caught me off guard

tomorrow. ill pick you up at 8
i won't take no for an answer" he said

i i " i was cut off

just say yes"he touch my cheek

y-y-yes" i sweated

don't worry i wound do anything,oh yeah come on were going" he said

where?" i ask

ill show you" he told me as he grab my hand

like right now?" i told him as i slip my bunny slipper on

yeah right now" i told me

still in my PJ and bunny slipper we ran out of the hospital i could see some stranger looking at me like
"this girl must be crazy"
but i did not care i keep running and look at the guy who held my hand tightly but securely.

as we stop some where i tried to catch my breath and when i look up i see where in fount of my house?

i just stud there trying to think of an answer but nothing came up.
he still had my hand and led me to the porch.

and i see him looking for something but what could it be? then i see him looking over the mat then looked through the plant and then he found my spare key!?

how douse he know that?!

then he unlock the door and opened and went in i just fallow him and we reach to my room he just stud there outside the door.

how did you know where was my pair key" i ask him

uh lucky guess?" he told me

why are we at my house" i ask

for you to change cloth or do you want to walk around with your PJ and bunny slipper?" he pointed at me with his finger

ill be back in a few." i said as i slip into my room

i close the door and change into my skinny jean , white shirt and i put my hair in a high pony tail then i open my door i saw jack eye widen and his hand reach out to touch my face.

i envy you so much" he said as he touch my cheek and then my Lip's

why" i ask not daring to look away

just like you said you can be you i can't be me" he told me

you can be you when your with me" i told him

then let me show you" he said

he bend down and kiss me on the lip i could feel the electricity ran through my spine my eye were wide.
then he pulled away and sign

sorry" he told me

why?" i ask

what?"he whine

why did you kiss me?" i ask him

i isn't that obvious you idiot you a lot" he said looking somewhere

you stole my first kiss" i told him touching my lips

what?! your first kiss?" jack did the double take

i grab his shirt and kiss him on the lip...this was not me but it felt so good i can help it then i felt his arm around me deping the kiss i was the one who broke the kiss.
we where both panting trying to catch are breath

wow" i gasp

sorry but i like you" he told me as he kiss my forehead

then why were you so rude to me?" i ask him

i though all girl wanted me for my reputation and just use me for there ex to come back and all that.." he told be

your not telling me everything are you" i ask him

like i said you see right through me. no im not telling everything..." he said not looking at me

when i was little i was a mama boy and well one time she left and since then...i lost all trust in woman yeah that my story" he told me

why are you telling me this,i did not know that im" i told him bit he cut me off

don't worry i know your story but i don't pity you one bit i just envy you because your stronger then me" he admitted to me

i-jack" he cut me off ...i think his doing this to make me made

oh yeah we got an A+ on both of are project" he said very quickly

what?" i ask why the change of subject so fast

and will you be mine" he said staring into those honey eye of his

i" but he cut me...

just say yes"he said

yes" i said but it came out as a whisper

he hug me and then he step back and i look into my mirror and i saw a beautiful neckless around my neck
it was a shape of a heart and it had a j on it.

happy birthday" he said with a boy ish grin on his face

i look at him and he just gave me a shy smile and i took out my phone and see it was the 24 of December?! how long was i out?

wait was it you that gave me the cupcake and the note?" i ask him

uh you could say that but lets not talk about that now" he said scratch the back of his head and gave me a other kiss

but i did not care anymore im here with him is the best gift i ever had.

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