Ch. 9.5: Mommy Juvia and Gray-Sama

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-During the train ride-
"............." Juvia blankly stares out the window and all you could hear from her was a few sighs. ~Juvia doesn't really seem as energetic as usual. I wonder what's wrong.~ "Hey Juvia you've been quiet for a while now, are you okay?" "Hmmm yeah totally fine. Totally fine..." "Well if you're fine then look at me when we're talking." Juvia looks over at Gray, who is across from her, with such a bored look on her face and looks back out the window. ~Did she just look at me uninterested. That's weird... It's too different and it doesn't feel right.~ Gray leans over and pinches Juvia's cheek, "Hey look at me you brat. What's wrong with you?" Juvia looks at him straight in the eyes and melancholy answers, "Juvia is very bored, she only had Sakura for two days but it seems like forever so now Juvia is lonely and bored." "Juvia you can't feel lonely. I'm literally right in front of you." Gray releases her and places his hand on her cheek. "No need to feel lonely when I'm right here next to you." The two stare at each other until Juvia had to turn away from embarrassment. "Gray-Sama is so bold. He is embarrassing Juvia!" ~There we go, that's the Juvia I enjoy. Though her motherly side is pretty amazing as well.~ Just then the train stops and the mages arrive at their destination. "Finally! Juvia couldn't take the train ride anymore!" "I couldn't agree more." The two grab their bags and board off the train. Juvia takes Gray by the hand and he makes no attempt to shake her off. While walking to their clients home they spot two familiar mages. "Gray-Sama look it's Sting-Kun and Yukino-San." "Huh where. Wait never mind I see them. Wanna go say hello?" "Sure!" The two walk over to the Sabertooth members to say hello. "Hello Yukino-San and Sting-Kun!" "Oh it's Juvia and Gray. Hello, are you not with Lucy today?" "Nope Lucy's at the guild with the baby, so it's just me and Juvia." "Wait did Natsu and Lucy have a kid!?!?" "Sting-Sama please calm down. I'm pretty sure they'll explain it right now." "Oh no they are watching Sakura for Juvia. Sakura is Juvia's baby." "Juvia did you and Gray have a baby?" Yukino's question causes Juvia's face to flare up. "N-n-n-n-n-no! Sakura is adopted and Gray-Sama is just helping Juvia out with her." "Hehehe no need to be embarrassed. Anyways Sting-Sama and I would like to stay and talk but we have a mission to do. Tell Lucy and Natsu we said hi!" "Okay, bye!" The Sabertooth members leave. "So shall we go Juvia?" "Yeah!" The two talk to their client and head up the mountainside. "So the client said that someone set up fire shooting lacrimas around this area so whatever fires pop up we should put them out and then we should be able to find the lacrimas." "Juvia will put out the fires and Gray-Sama you can freeze the lacrimas and smash them." "Deal!" Ten minutes of walking around and suddenly a big fire appears. "My goodness, this seems like a fire Natsu-San would start." "You got that right." An hour later they are able to put out the fires and destroy all the lacrimas. The two were all dirty, sweaty, and super tired. "Hehehe! Gray-Sama you're all sweaty it's kinda gross."
"Well you have soot on your face." Gray rubs his thumb across Juvia's cheek and shows her the black on his thumb. "Hahaha, see, who's more gross now?" Juvia takes the soot that is on her hands and wipes some on Gray's sweaty face. The two go back and forth wiping the soot on each other. "Gray-Sama, maybe we should wash it off. There was a creek over there that we can use to clean up." "Yeah let's go." So they go over to the creek and clean themselves up. As Gray is rinsing his hands off he is splashed with cold water. "Gah!!" "Haha, sorry Gray-Sama you still had some soot on your face so Juvia decided to help you out a little." "Oh ho, so that's how it is. Then please allow me to help you." Gray splashes Juvia twice as much as she did to him. For a straight 10 minutes they go back and forth splashing each other. Then Gray moves closer to Juvia. "Obviously splashing is getting us nowhere. I guess there is only one thing left to do." Gray scoops up Juvia and tosses her into the water. "Kyahh! Even though Juvia was already wet from this water, she can still feel the cold!" "Hahaha now you are nice and clean. Doesn't it feel nice?" Juvia gets a devious look on her face. "Oh yes Gray-Sama it does feel nice. How about Juvia shows you how nice it feels." Just then a big wave appears in front Juvia and falls towards Gray. It lands on him and Juvia drags the water back bringing Gray along with it. Once the water settles down, Gray resurfaces. "Phaw, damn I forgot you can do things like that." Juvia walks toward Gray and offers him, her hand. "Gray-Sama let Juvia help you up." He takes her hand and pulls her down with him. Juvia lands in between his legs with one hand on his chest and the other keeping her up. They stare at each other for good couple of seconds and then Gray wraps one arm around her. He slowly leans his face in and so does she and then it happens, Gray kisses Juvia and it wasn't a small kiss either. Finally the kiss is over. "Ha-  Gr-Gra-Gray-Sama... W-w-w-was that f-f-f-for real..... Does that mean Gray-Sama also loves Juvia..." Although Gray thought the event that just took place would make Juvia happy, it seemed to him like she was about to cry. He gently places his hand on to her face, "why would I do that if it weren't for that reason Juvia?" Hearing this Juvia breaks out into tears. "Gray-Sama does love Juvia! Waaahhh!! Juvia is so happy!" Gray chuckles, "if you're so happy then why are you crying?" "These are tears of joy. Juvia is just so happy she doesn't know what to do." "Then how about you kiss me?" Juvia turns bright red and nods her head. She slowly goes in for the kiss and Gray goes straight for it. "Hehehe, it's getting dark we should head back to the inn." Juvia's heart goes crazy and many thoughts rush through her mind. "And then when tomorrow comes we can go home and be a family." They both stand up and head towards the inn. ~Juvia is getting what she's always wanted. Nothing can ever go wrong now.~

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