Chapter 1

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Jet's point of view.

I woke with a sudden jolt of pain in my chest. It was just after 5 AM, The sky was just beginning to get light, and you could hear the birds waking up outside.
I grabbed at my chest as a another jolt of pain shot through me. Thalia. She was the only thing I could think about, the only one that could make me feel this way.
I shot out of bed, running out of my room and down the stairs. Not even bothering to close my door behind me.
I ran through the dormitorys earning funny looks from the vampire's as they were the only ones that were awake at this time in the morning.
I almost knocked over a bunch of gigging girls on the bottom of the stairs in the girls dorm.
I couldn't stop to apologise as by this point I could hear her muffled cries.
I didn't bother knocking at her door, I just ran straight in coming to stop at her bed.
She wasn't there. My spine prickled as I began to think the worst.
"Thalia" I called scanning the room. I heard a cry coming from the bathroom. "Jet" I heard a small voice call. What the hell was going on.

"Baby" I whispered as I drew the shower curtain back to find a hysterical Thalia curled up into a ball on the floor.
I pulled her into my arms sitting her on my lap "Hey hey... calm down, I'm here now. Tell me what happened" I whispered stroking her hair away from her face.
She looked up at me looking like a broken angel, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed herself up so she could wrap herself around me.
She cried into my shoulder as she mumbled her response. "There was a rogue... he was here" she cried.
I pulled her gently so she was now face to face with me. I gently wiped away her tears as I placed a hand on her cheek.
"I'm so sorry" I whispered disheartened , "I should have been here to protect you." I gulped, I could have lost her.
She shook her head her tears subsiding. "Don't blame yourself" she whispered "none of this is your fault." She pressed her forehead against mine "I'm just glad your here now."
I pressed my lips to her forehead, making her sigh in content.
"There's no where else I'd rather be" I whispered into her ear making her shiver.
She gave me a small smile, running a hand through my hair as she said quietly "Take me away from here, please Jet."
"Of course I will" I said while lifting her into my arms as I carried her out her room.
We got more curious look on our way past as the student body had now began to wake up for the day.
Thalia just ignored the looks and snuggled further into my chest.
As we made it into the males dormitory Travis had spied us walking past, concern crossed his face as he jogged up to us. "Is she okay?" He asked wide eyed.
"She's fine Travis, she just had a scare that's all" I reassured him, pulling Thalia closer to me. "She just needs to rest."
He nodded an okay, "Hope your okay Tal" he smiled down at her. "Thanks Trav" she gave him a small smile back and waved him goodbye as I began walking again.

We made it up to my room in no time, and as soon as I put her down she crawled into my bed getting under the covers. I followed suit, wrapping my hands around her and pulling her into my chest.
She snuggled in closer and sighed in content.
I smiled kissing her just below her ear making her giggle. Oh how I loved that noise. "Get some sleep baby" I whispered, my nose skimming her hair "I'll be right here next to you." "Thank you" I heard her mumble incoherent back, Making me chuckle.
It didnt take long before we both drifted off to sleep. It was the best feeling having her wrapped in my arms.
Knowing I had the most important thing in my life wrapped up safe in my arms was enough to make me feel like I could finally have a peaceful sleep.

Thalia's point of view.

I felt something, or rather someone kiss my lips. Making me blink in response.
I opened with eyes to find a grinning Jet, making my heart literally thud almost out of my chest. He was breathtaking.
I smiled in response keeping my eyes shut.
"Good morning beautiful." He mumbled against my lips. Giving me a quick peck. Making my stomach fill with butterflies.
I opened my eyes to find him staring at me smiling. "Hi there" I laughed, making Jet's eyes light up in amusement.
Ahh he made my heart hurt.
I glanced over at the clock out of curiosity. It read 10:45, so that meant we had class in 45 minutes.
"Come on lazy bones... we have a class to get to" I sang, jumping up out of bed. Jet groaned pulling me back down on the bed, leaning over me. "I say we ditch" he winked doing a crooked smile that could make any girl weak at the knees. He lightly trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck.
I shivered, shaking my head no at him. "As much as we'd both love that" I laughed "I don't think that is a very good idea."
Jet sighed, then nodded "I guess so."

After half an hour we were both ready for the day. We had planned to meet all of our friends in the courtyard.
So that is where we were, sat in the grass with Travis and Rona and her boyfriend Jared, surrounding us.
Jet was sat playing with my hand as I leant against him. He made my heart flutter.
I looked up and grinned at him, earning a show stopping smile from him.
I wiggled my eyebrows at him jokingly, biting my lip to keep from laughing.
Earning an amused head shake from Jet.
"You're so beautiful." He smiled, taking me off guard. Well I wasn't expecting that response.
"So are you." I smiled giving him a quick kiss.
Everyone around us was gushing at us and doing joint choruses of "aww" and "that so sweet."

Guys you are killing me with all of this cuteness!" Rona gushed. "I know aren't they just the best couple." Travis chimed in, making me laugh at him.
"You're so macho Trav" I winked, ruffling his hair. Ah, my best friend you guys. "Hey! I'll have you know I am plenty macho" Travis replied thumping his fist on his chest, trying to gain back whatever masculinity he had just lost.
Jet snorted in response, "I guess they should never find out about the barbie obsession you used to have then."
I burst out laughing "no way!" Haa I am so holding this against him in future references.
"I was 6!" Travis shouted horrified. "Come on guys! Jet I hate you man" he frowned as everyone laughed at his expense.
The bell rang for class saving Travis from further embarrassment.
"I'm sorry I laughed" I threw my arm around Travis as I caught up to him. "But that was funny" I giggled, earning another frown from him as we made our way through the door towards our class.
"I lurvvv you Travis" I called to him as he sulked off towards his seat. Earning me a few funny looks from classmates.
He turned with a hint of a smile on his face, still trying to act like he was mad.
He opened his mouth to respond when we were interrupted.
"Take your seats people." Mr Brandon called. Beginning the hour long lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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