Chapter III

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"But seriously, if you two keep acting like you have hearts, Xemnas might put you on a table and cut you open to prove else wise." the one-eyes man warned.

"Come on Xiggy you are such a buzz kill...." Axel said frowning.

"I'm sure Luxord would agree, huh... Axel." Roxas said smiling happily.

"Yes Roxas." Axel said ruffling the small boys golden hair.

"So stop being a killjoy....Xiggy." Roxas said sticking out his tongue in a mocking gesture.

"I'm a sniper, killing is what I do best!" he replied before disappearing from sight then materializing before the two others with a cheesy smirk. "But I'm like a god when it comes to spying." and other things but that was an obvious give me in his eyes- er... eye.

"Xigbar..." Axel warned.

"Who's bed has your boots been under, hm... Axel?" Xiggy chuckled preparing to portal if necessary to a safe distance away.Xiggy waited for a response before chuckling coldly to himself wanting to get a rise out of Roxas to see if he could start some fun mischief between the two love birds.

Sitting in his 'Room of Sleeping' where Xiggy and some of the other's usually heard him talking to someone, most likely himself. The Superior did have a strange habit of talking to random things and heart shaped moons was one of those things but for once he was talking to someone that wasn't himself or an inanimate object. It was a certain blue haired member of the Organization.

"Xemnas....sir, several members of the Organization seem to be out of control." Saix reported to his superior.

"Out of control?" The Superior echoed acting confused as he tilted his head slowly to one side. "What ever do you mean by that, puppy?" The pet name just rolled off his tongue as if by accident.

Saix steamed a little bit as he heard the dreaded nickname. But continued to report nonetheless. "Well lets see sir....." Saix said flipping through his notes.

Number I folded his gloved fingers together as he leaned forward across his desk in a listening manner.

"Well to start off with the Graceful Assassin and the Cloaked Schemer are engaging in sexual activities and the Melodious Nocturne is ribbon dancing throughout our peaceful halls quite rambunctiously."

"Typical as of lately. It was a bit hard to explain but after the series of defeats from a certain idiot child needed after air, everyone had been getting a little hysteric and well... Were acting peculiar. "It's Spring, Number XI is naturally getting a little too into his element and feels the need to... 'pollinate' himself where Zexion is just the mere unfortunate bumblebee..." Xemnas then leaned back in his chair to relax a little more as the thought of Demyx running out like the blissful idiot he was passed though his mind next. "As for IX, he's just a little bit special and has been hit in the head one to many times by a keyblade..."

"Will you also justify the actions of the Flurry of Dancing Flames with The Key of Destiny in their inappropriate behaviors and not to mention the Freeshooter encouraging it like a cheap form of entertainment" Saix said starting to get frustrated. "And don't even get me started on Vexen, that Chilly Academic of yours is going to burn this castle to the ground!"

"Not if he freezes us out of it first," Xemnas butted in before Saix was done in whole. "I figure Axel would burn it down before Vexen ever could." Curse his 'practicing' indoors... With a sigh he put on hand to his head and shook it a little. "With all the failures we have been experiencing with Sora, I think you'd be a little more worried about your own ass then theirs or is that why you are reporting all of this to me?" he asked lifting a thin white eyebrow.

Saix opened his mouth but nothing came out for a moment. "Well...I..." he stammered like a full he may as well barked like the puppy he was.

So that was it. He was trying to distract him by pointing out everyone elses mistakes and follies. "Saix, you do realize your turn is coming up to face Sora. Have you prepared or are you going to attempt to delay your fate of failure?"

" And Xemnas...I mean Superior sir..." Saix was fumbling "Doesn't t it bother you....the way Luxord drinks and gambles all day and Xaldin walks around like he owns the place."

Naturally it did. Failure was unacceptable but it seemed no one was able to beat a mere child with an overly large key and minuscule key-chain. The attitude of the other members was kind of sudden as well but was hard to help when he himself couldn't be there looming over each member threatening them with death or worse... "It does but that doesn't change the fact that you are trying to worm your way out of a tight spot, Saix..." He purred coolly. "I'm afraid you'll need a better persuasion then reports I already get from Xigbar."

Saix dropped his notepad at that. "Xigbar!" he said utterly outraged. "But I thought...I thought that I was your loyal servant? What kind of a game are you playing here Xemnas?"Saix challenged The Superior a bad move on his part "And what about the new one.... Xion..." Saix said raising an eyebrow.

He was calm till he sense the dangerous tone to Saix's voice which made him stand up from his seat. "Xigbar is a natural gossip! I hear things from him that I could care less about and things I wish my ears never had the sickening privilege to hear," he hissed lowly. His orange eyes gleamed in the artificial lighting even though his bangs casted a shadow over his face. He was pissed but then again could he really feel such a strong emotion as a Nobody? "And what all do you know about the girl?" He asked feeling the venom rise in his voice. She was special just like Roxas since both were once a part of Sora...

"I know she has been seen with Roxas and Axel alot." Saix said. "Not to mention Sora's friend Riku and obsessed illegitimate lover Namine. Although last I saw of Namine she was drawing pictures of Sora and her getting married and whispering 'he will be mine." Saix smiled at that bit of info. That would show The Superior that Xigbar didn't have all the gossip.

Oh, what an interesting bit of information... "Ah, such a good loyal follower, giving me such useful information like a puppy would give their master a newspaper..."

Saix bit down a very animalistic growl. "Yes Superior I'm a good pet." Saix said trying to stay on Xemnas' good side

"It there anything else you wish to tell me or?" He asked letting the question hang in the air.

"No..." Saix drew back."Why?" he questioned pushing his luck a bit.

A devilish grin played on The Superior's lips, his eyes still narrowed in a menacing fashion. "Because I can think of a few ways you might be able to convince me to send in someone else to challenge Sora in your place..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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