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I was still hugging her when she called my name.

Then I realized what the hell I just said to her. I confessed! I confessed to her! What will I do? What am I going to do? I am still hugging her when she talked again.

Angelo, I'm fine. I'm alive ok? I'm sorry if I scared you. But I am really fine physically, but to be honest I am emotionally retarded.

The last word made her sob again. I hugged her tight and said "everything is going to be fine. Trust God. When you are ready to tell me about what happened, don't hesitate. I am always here for you. I won't leave you even if you push me away from you. Please don't forget that".

We stayed there for another 20 minutes. I'm still hugging her and she stopped from crying but I noticed that her breathing isn't normal anymore. I asked her if she's alright but she didn't utter a single word. She was just holding my hand so tight. I feel so nervous. I began panicking, I tried to pull her back then I saw her. She look so pale, I asked her again. "Are you okay?" and for the second time she did not answer. She was just looking at me and smile, then she passed out.

I carried her and took her to the infirmary.

The doctor asked what happened, Then I told him everything.

The doctor examined her, then he told me that everything was fine. He told me that maybe SHA was dehydrated from crying, then after that he told me what to do and advised me to take SHA home when she wakes up.

The doctor left us and reported to the head officer about what happed to SHA.

I was holding her hand while waiting for her to wake up when suddenly someone entered the room.

I was about to ask if who was that when suddenly he punched me on my face. What the hell! No one dared to punch me nor lay their fingers at me. Not even my father or my mother. Never in my entire life! Another first time for me I guess.

"You bastard! What did you do to our princess?! I'm going to kill you!" the man shouted at me.

"what?!" I was shocked "I never did anything to her!"

He was about to punch me again when another man entered in the room.

"Alexandrite! Enough! He didn't hurt Ally! He was the one who saved and helped her! Go ask him for an apology." The other man said.

But the guy who hit me just ignored and went to SHA's side.

The other man was standing in front of me and helped me to stand. He asked me if I am okay and I just nod as an answer. He was about to turn his back to me when he said.

"I'm sorry about my manners. I am Alexander Anderson and the one who hit you is Alexandrite. We are Ally's brother. Who are you by the way?"

"I am Jayden Angelo Smith"

"smith? How are you related to Mr. Zachary Smith? The top business man today?"

"He is my f---


I was interrupted when SHA called me. It was her. Finally she's awake. I went beside her and asked her if she need anything then she asked for a water.

After she drank the water. She finally noticed the two guy standing in the other side of the bed.

"hey Princess you look so depressed.

What happened to my beautiful sister?-Alexander

Who is responsible of what happened to you?Tell me and I'm going to punch him in the face just like what I did to your suitor!- Alexandrite while looking at me

What! He is my friend not a suitor! And why did you punched him! He just helped me! – Sha

Okay, I thought he hurt you. Xander already apologized to him no need to worry.

Sha glared at her brother and look at me and asked me if I'm okay and I said yes.

She was discharged after she woke up and before they went home she talked to me and she said Thank you.


Allysha and Jayden pic☝☝☝

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