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Another week has begun.

I am waiting for my driver in front of our house when a car stopped in front of me.Then suddenly the driver's window opened and saw the face of Alexander wearing a business attire.

Hop in. Sha's inside, she told me that you will go to school together that's why I stopped .He uttered.

I was about to say my driver is already here.When the window at the back opened and then I saw Sha.

Hey Come on!.She said then smiled at me.

Hell I can't turn her down.

I decided to hop in and talked to my driver that I'll be with them.

After a few minutes we arrived in school.

We were on our way to our classroom when we saw Lance (Sha's boyfriend) and Erika (Sha's Bestfriend) walking while holding each others hand on the hallway. It surprised me because they look so sweet together.

What's going on!I murmered to myself.

I looked at Sha who's beside me but she wasn't there anymore.
I run and tried to look for her.I went to Our classroom but she wasn't there. I run again and search every area that she might go. To other classrooms, comfort rooms then to cafeteria but I can't find her.

The class is about to start.
Where are you.!
Then something pop in my mind.



I ran as fast as I can to to be in the rooftop. I opened the door immediately and scanned the place.

There she is.She was sitting, her hand was on her knees,her head was looking down,her body is shaking.
By just looking at her I can say that she is Crying again.

Now I know.Maybe the reason she went here when she passed out was because of her Boyfriend.

I silently sit beside her .
She wasn't able to look at me.I heard her sobbing.
Do you know how much it hurts me and break my heart into pieces by seeing her like this? It torture me, honestly.

Hey.finally I said while tapping her back.
I was looking for you.Are you Okay?.
I want to punch myself on asking that quetion.Moron!of course she's not
As you see, she's crying.My mind said.

She raised her head and looked at me.Her eyes was so in red as well as her face.

Angelo.She said.

Deja vu.She said my name again just like the first time I saw her crying.But this time I swear I will not going to leave her.

I looked at her she's still crying. I lifted her face and wiped her tears using my hand after that she looked away and she began talking while crying.

The Day that I went here and you saw me shouting and crying.
I was supposed to go to Lance classroom to suprised him because its our monthsary but it didn't happened, I was the one who totally surprised because I saw Him and Erika torridly kissing .I am in the front door that time looking at them.My bestfriend and my boyfriend is kissing in front of me.Do you know how much it hurts and how my heart is breaking into pieces ? .After that scene .Lance saw me, he look shocked but Erika just looked at me as if she didn't care.Lance went towards me, he tried to explain anything but i slapped him and looked at Erika before I run here.

After I passed out and went home that day,my dad was arrived who attended a business meeting in Macau and said we will move to our new house after two days.
The next day I called Sonia to tell her that I can't attend classes for 5 days because I will help my family to pack our things before we move out.And I want also to help them in organizing our new home.

For 5 days that I didn't attend classes..I kept myself busy to ease the pain.I act so Happy and bubbly in front of my family just to make them not to worry.Do you know how hard for me to do that.?

For the passed 5 days I tried to sweep away the pain.I tried to erase the memory of them kissing each other but it is so hard so always end up crying before I go to sleep.

And Now I saw them happy and I am here crying because of them.

I looked at her face while she was talking.I felt the pain in every words she said.I don't know what to do so i just pulled her and hugged her.

Can I ask you something? she said.

Without waiting for my answer she talked again.

Can you help me to erase this pain i felt ? And promise me that no matter what happen you will stay at my side and never leave me.

She was looking at me while saying those words. I wanted to say Yes but i choose to say

I try.

After she heard my answer she smiled at me and looked away.

I try best to stay at your side and never leave you.I don't want to promise anything because I hate promises.I try my best to help you forget the pain you felt.But in order for me to do that I need you to show me that you're brave enough to face this.-I said

After that she turned her head and looked at me and she answered Yes I will and then after that she hugged me.

I hugged her back.
And I silently talked to God.

God I will do everything for the happiness of this girl.

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