Bad experiences

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I woke up the next morning with a raging headache. It was then that I remembered the events of the previous night (well, most of them anyway). My party dress was twisted and the straps had dug into my arms so much that they left huge red marks. The makeup on my face had smudged onto my white sheets and I felt like the part of me that thought a drinking competition on the first night out was a good idea, was smudged onto the sheets also. I'm such an idiot. I ran my fingers through my short, blue hair only to find it matted and messy. I was a complete wreck. A stupid, hungover, wreck. What I had done the previous night was none other than pure implosive behaviour.

I walked into the bathroom and washed the smudged makeup off my face. I didn't even bother getting a brush through my hair, I knew it was beyond the point of no return. I straightened my dress up, not having the energy to get changed, and went into the kitchen for something, anything, that would make me feel better. My head was pulsing and right now I don't know what I was feeling. When I entered the kitchen, a particular smell caught my nose. Just what I had been unknowingly craving, bacon and eggs.
"Hey shrimp, you're up?" I guess Gajeel had no intention of stopping calling me that.
"What are you doing?"
"Making breakfast, what does it look like?"
Gee he knew how to piss me off.
"Why are you in my kitchen?" I demanded.
"I figured the least i could do was make you breakfast after crashing on your couch." He was trying to make it seem as though he was a good person by raiding my fridge and cupboards. Why didn't he just leave when he woke up?
"So anyway, I was thinking-"
"Go away. You're giving me a headache." I wasn't in the mood for him today. My head was in too much pain for holding a conversation with a person whose sole purpose here was to annoy me and call me short.
"Oh come on, at least let me stay for breakfast. It'll get rid of the migraine." I thought about it for a moment.
"No." I stated plainly.
He took a breath to argue with me but then gave up. He handed me the frypan and grabbed his jacket off the lounge. I looked at the breakfast he had prepared. A huge serving of bacon, eggs, tomato and onion sat in the pan.
"Gajeel, wait. I can't eat all of this." He shrugged his shoulders
"That's too bad, apparently I have to leave." I sighed at his childish response.
"Just come eat your dammed food." I once again, did not have time for arguments. There isn't even a container in my house that could hold all the leftovers there would've been. I wonder if he eats like he drinks. Huge amounts, fast.

I couldn't eat nearly as much as he did. He scoffed the food like it was his first meal in weeks. I wonder how much he spends on food? And where he gets his money for that matter. With a sigh, I picked up the dirty plates and began to wash up. My headache had subsided and I was able to tolerate his teasing comments. Without speaking, he simply picked up a tea towel and began drying the dishes. Although he seemed to have little idea where anything went, despite being the one to get them out of the cupboards in the first place.
"Uh- thanks... For breakfast." It was awkward to thank him for something that he shouldn't have been receiving praise for in the first place. I mean seriously, who crashes out on somebody's couch and then raids their fridge in the morning? That food was supposed to last a whole week. This guy was blowing my budget already! Gajeel Redfox was unpredictable. He was radical. He was a troublemaker. So, why? Why does he also have a sweet and caring side? Why is it that sometimes he can be a total jerk and then the next day he can turn around and make the most thoughtful gesture. Was I reading into him too much? Was I giving him too much credit for what he was doing? He was clearly just messing with me.
"You finish those lyrics yet?" He questioned. I nodded quickly.
"Yep, all done." I smiled.
"Good, it was stressing me out when I thought we were gonna be late." He seemed like a huge weight had just been lifted off his shoulders.
"You didn't trust me to finish on time?"
"Nope. I was sure we'd be short on time." He emphasised the short part clearly as an attempt to enrage me. He was successful.
"My height has nothing to do with how fast I work!" I snapped.
"I didn't say anything about your lack in height." He smirked.
I was fuming. I punched him in the arm and stormed off in the direction of my room.
"Relax, shrimp. I was only having a joke with you." He chuckled. It seemed that all he enjoyed doing was pestering me. I turned to face him, a glare stuck on my face.

"You are probably the most annoying person that I have ever had the displeasure of meeting." I huffed angrily. I was unable to comprehend his intentions.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, dumbfounded. He shrugged in return and then pulled a strange face which I later learned was his 'Thinking Face'.

"I guess, You're fun to tease. You go all red when you're angry." He laughed once more. I glanced at the wall mirror inside my bedroom only to see that he had been correct. My whole face was as red as a tomato! The fact that he had been correct had angered me even more.

Suddenly, my head started pulsing severely and I staggered around slightly. With a concerned look, Gajeel raced over and helped me down to the floor carefully. Hazy memories were coming back to me, parts of the night I didn't remember...
I saw Gajeel and I at a rivers edge. We were laughing together and having fun... And then-
My head started pulsing more than it had been before and I groaned in pain. Why couldn't I remember?! I played the set of images in my mind over and over, trying to see a clear image. How much had I had to drink?
I could just barely hear Gajeel as he repeated the question:
"Are you okay. Levy, are you alright?"
I couldn't answer him. The missing memory had just come back. The scene played out in my head. I was relieved that I could remember... but pretty distressed at what I was remembering.
I came back to reality to see Gajeel with a panicked look, holding onto my left shoulder. I suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment. I wondered if he could remember also. If so, how could he keep a straight face around me? how could he be this close to me without being embarrassed or shocked or even angry. Why did he seem so nonchalant about this whole ordeal? I hoped he didn't remember. That was all I could do, hope.

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