Chapter 6: Christmas cookie

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Sarah's Pov

"Wow! I'm so full " i said while rubbing my stomach. Myungsoo looked at me and chuckled at my behaviour.

I frowned and said " Yah! Is it very funny?"

"Mian, anyway you look cute when you do that" he said.

I blushed and looked away "i need to go to the ladies" i said while stuttering.

*Pabo Sarah! Why did you stuttered just now! It's so embarrasing!* i bite my lips and scolded myself mentally...

Myungsoo Pov

"i need to go to the ladies" she said while stuttering. She then stood up and left hurriedly. I smiled like a idiot while looking at her walking away.

*Kim Myungsoo! What the hell are you thinking?! You can't be falling in love with her?!* i scolded and facepalm mydelf mentally.

"Sir, this is today's dessert, "christmas cookie". Please enjoy!" The waiter bowed and left.

I looked at the cookie feeling shocked. *This cookie looks exactly the same as Krystal's cookie...* i thought while touching my necklace.


"Myungie! Merry Christmas and Happy third anniversary!" Krystal run up to Myungsoo and hug him. It was Christmas and it was also their third anniversary.

"Krystal! Merry Christmas and Happy third anniversary to you too!" Myungsoo then let go from her hug and said " I'hve already prepared a list of event for you ao you are stuck with me for the entire day today."

"Ok!Myungie oppa" Krystal chuckled and said. She suddenly took out a box from her bag "before you start your list of event... this is my present for you." Krystal handed him a pink box tied with a cute pink ribbon.

Myungsoo opened it and smiled "Christmas cookie? Did you bake it yourself?" He asked.

Krystal nodded and said "i also designed this cookie myself. Remember that time during our first anniversary, i gave you a necklace which was designed by me?" Myungsoo nodded while thinking back of the beautiful past memories they had.

"i said that the heart inside represent my love to you and the flake represent today. So i came up with this cookie. I thought that it will be more special if it was a cookie designed by me." Krystal said.

Myungsoo hugged her tightly and said "Gomawo Krystal ah! i like this gift a lot. Gomawo!"

End of flashback

I took a bite of the cookie and was even more shocked. *That's the taste! It can't be!* i thought.

I raised my hand signalling the waiter to come and asked "may i know who made this cookie?" The waiter smiled and said "Oh you mean Sammi noona! She is our newly hired chef who is in charge of making the dessert."

" Sungjong ah" A female staff of the restaurant spoke while walking towards us. "Oh! Sammi noona!" The waiter apparently named Sungjong smiled at her and said.

"Oh sorry, i guess you have customer to attend to..." she said and looked at me. Somehow, that gaze of hers looks familar. It's like we have met before but i don't remember knowing her.

She quickly glance away after noticing that i was staring at her and said "Sorry to interrupt but you left your phone in the kitchen just now,here." She handed the waiter his phone and left.

"That lady there is Sammi noona, the chef who created this cookie" The waiter smiled and said.

"You mean she design this on her own?" I asked.

"Yup, she even design the cookie herself she said that the heart inside represent her love to a special person even though she don't know who it is but she just have the urge to create this cookie and the flake represent christmas. " he nodded and said.

*This words... it's exactly tje same as what Krystal told me. But it can't be...* i thought.

"Can you asked her to contact me when she is done with her work? I have something important to ask her." I said while passing him my name card.

He smiled at me and said "Sure i will convey the message to her."

*Who are you exactly?* i thought while thinking of the lady who backed the cookies...

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