chapter 2

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'So, what did that cute boy from the club want?' Chantelle asked, flicking her dark brown hair off her face and taking a seat on our comfy leather couch, wrapping a blanket round her.

I put on the dvd and glanced over to her, with a nervous smile on my face. 'None of your business!'

Just as Chantelle was trying to get what he said out of me, my phone buzzed, and our heads turned simultaneously to where it had lit up on the couch. I raced towards my phone, but she got there first.

'Nooo Chan! Don't read my texts!', I threw myself at her, struggling to snatch the phone from her hands. But it was too late.

'Hi Rennée,' She mocked in a high pitched voice. 'I was just making sure this was your number, not a fake!'. She let me take my phone back and started making kissing noises at me and wriggling her eyebrows.

'Shut up, Chantelle!' I said, laughing to cover up my embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks begin to redden, so I left her laughing hysterically and went into our tiny kitchen to make some popcorn. Once I had put it into the microwave, I decided to actually read Liam's message myself.

Hi Rennée, I was just making sure this was your number, not a fake! Liam :)xxx'

As I read it, I couldn't help but smile to myself. He had put three kisses!

I spent a while deciding what to text back, or whether to text back at all, surely somone as good lookin as him, wouldn't want to go out with me?! Maybe he was using me to get to Chantelle, after all she is gorgeous, what man wouldn't want to go out with a professional pole dancer...

I picked my phone up off the counter, in the end i decided to play it cool at just text back:

Yes this is my number! :) x

I didn't want to seem too eager so i just kept it at one kiss; at the end of the day I did like him and i didn't want to come across too cold hearted.

'Hurry up, the films about to start!' Chantelle screeched.

'Okay, coming!' I went over to the microwave to collect the popcorn, when my phone buzzed once more. It was Liam again.

'Oh good, i was wondering if you wanted to go out some time? xxx'

I didn't know what to reply. Ofcourse I wanted to go out somewhere with him! You would have to be crazy to refuse that kind of offer! But wait, this must mean that maybe it really was me he was after, not Chantelle? How could that happen?!

Chapter 2!!! Hope you like it! - Rosie and Jen :) xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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