Ch. 5

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    Nixon stops at the store to pick up lunch and dinner for us. We are, apparently, are on a high calorie diet. That means lots of protein, pasta, cheese, bread, etcetera. I don't have a problem eating, so I don't give him any attitude about the food. I'm steering the cart and Nixon is putting what we need in the buggy. I'm getting annoyed as he reads all the labels.
"Come on all ready, we've been in the granola aisle for ten minutes." I complain. "Just pick one."
He grunts but keeps reading. I look around bored. I notice at the end of the aisle there are women sneaking a peek at him and giggling with each other. I chuckle, it's kind of funny. You'd think they've never seen a big man before.
"What are you laughing about?" He asks, still reading.
"You have a fan club at the end of the aisle." I tell him. He doesn't look.
"Yes, they're devoted." He grumbles.
"Some of them are cute. I have an idea, I'll be your sister and when we go by I'll say how great you are helping me shop for our sick grandma."
"Why would you do that?" He questions, perplexed.
"To hook you up, bro." I wink.
"Hook me up?" He tosses two boxes of granola in the cart. "I don't need help to get a piece of ass, but thanks." He mentions.
"Well, excuse me. Just thought I'd help."
"I realize you've never dated before or had someone pursue you, so I'll just say it like it is, I want you. Not those women, just you." He shrugs, simply.
He starts walking again then stops at the raisins. "I hate raisins and just because you want me doesn't mean I want you. So, you can just move on from that little fantasy. It's not going to happen." I state, strongly.
He scoffs and puts the raisins in the cart. When we get to trail mix he gets four different kinds. "It will happen. I want you too badly. To not get you would be unacceptable." He walks ahead and I am about to push the cart into his legs when his hand reaches back to stop me.
"Keep it up, princess, and I'll show you what I can do." He smirks.
"What are you going to do? Hurt me?" I ask, batting my eyelashes innocently.
"I'd never hurt you, but I will make you scream in other ways." He winks.
I roll my eyes and keep pushing the cart. By the time we check out all I want to do is take a nap. Nixon loads the groceries in the bed of the truck and I climb in, putting my seat belt on. I rest my head on the window and close my eyes.
"Tired, princess?"
"Don't call me that and yes. I'm very tired." He reaches over and unbuckles my seat belt and slides me to the middle seat and buckles me back in.
"Oh, good, now I'm awake. All I had to do was switch seats." I state, sarcastically.
    He reaches over and takes my head in his hands, kissing me for the second time today. I push on his chest and open my mouth to tell him off, but he just takes the kiss further. His tongue brushes mine and we both moan. I bring my hands up to his shoulders, I try to push him away, but his hands distract me. One is in my hair at the base of my neck while the other is making its way up my thigh. His hand leaves my neck and I hear a click, then he lifts me up bringing me onto him. I gasp when I'm straddling his thighs feeling his erection brushing my center. He groans, grabbing each butt cheek in his hands he makes me rub along his hard shaft. I hum my approval and he does it again.
I'm lost and start to move my hips. His hands leave my butt coming around to cup my breasts playing with my hard nipples. I'm panting, feeling close to something, the ache between my legs is unbearable. I hear a ringing, breaking me out of my dazed state. I stop moving and he groans.
"Ignore it." He orders, kissing down my neck licking between my breasts. I try to climb off him. I don't know what to do to make myself feel better. I'm frustrated. I know I want more, but I'm not ready for that. Especially, not with him.
I sit back and his hands clench my hips. "This isn't over, princess. You're going to be mine." He kisses, my swollen lips and slides me next to him buckling me up. He rests his head on the steering wheel.
A few minutes later, he starts the truck and we leave the parking lot. "I don't want that to happen again." I say, quietly.
He grins. "Princess, that's happening again and again."
"No, this ends here. I don't want to be another notch on your bed post. I want a normal guy, not one who goes off fighting in covert missions and jumps out of planes."
"You don't seem so weak willed. You could handle it." He argues.
"I don't want to handle it. I'm sorry, but I have no interest in waiting at home for a man night after night, hoping he's still alive." I explain, completely genuine.
    He looks at me then back to the road not saying anything. We get to the condo and we both grab some grocery bags and walk into the side door that leads to the kitchen. I like these condos simply for the fact that I can park in the garage then walk right into the kitchen. My father loves his high rise condos, but to me, these are way better.
We both put the groceries away without talking, but it's not an uncomfortable silence. I take out a granola bar and open it, I get one bite in and Nixon snatches it from me. "What the hell?" I ask.
"You need to eat before you can snack." He says, throwing the bar on the counter and taking a pan from the cabinet. He puts it on the stove and turns on the burner. He takes out two chicken breasts and starts to pan fry them. Before there done he puts a bag of minute rice and a bowl of broccoli in the microwave.
I leave my seat going to the refrigerator, I take out a can of coke only to have it taken from me too. I grab a can of juice and look at him. He grins, "Yes, you can have that, but you're drinking another shake too."
"You know, you spoil me." I reply, irritated.
He grunts. "You have no idea how I could spoil you." He replies, huskily.
I ignore him and the way his voice makes my knees weak and my heart skip. I walk to the table and watch him finish cooking. He really is enormous with a roughness to him that I've never seen on another guy. His eyes are unique, a light green with a little speck of blue. I admit he's attractive, but I like his jaw the best and the five o'clock shadow that never leaves his face.
"How old are you?" I ask, curiously.
"Thirty, I'm not too old for you, princess." He smirks, bringing out my plate and setting it in front of me along with my wonderful shake.
"Thanks." I say, and pick up my fork.
"You're welcome." He states, leaning down to kiss my cheek.
I glare at his back as he walks away. I start eating without him. I think it only took me ten minutes to eat everything, except the shake. I pick it up and guzzle it down. I quiver and gag. This was a different one than this morning, it tasted like chalk. The one from this morning was fruity.
He laughs. "I guess you don't like the vanilla flavor."
I still have the disgusted look on my face. "You must hate me to make me drink that. I'd rather lick the chalk board next time."
He laughs again. "Should I even try to give you the chocolate flavor?"
"No, let's just stick to the flavor from this morning." I nod. "I'm getting in the shower and taking a nap." I inform him, standing up and taking my dishes to the sink. I rinse them and the pots and pans he used, putting them in the dishwasher. I turn and Nixon is right behind me, watching me. His eyes meet mine and I see his need. I step back into the counter. He moves closer.
"Nixon, don't you dare." I warn, poking his chest with my finger.
He smiles a full blown smile and I'm shocked, his smile changes his whole face. He looks younger and happy.

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