Chapter 2.

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Rir's POV

I'm going to Zayn's house! This is awesome!

We pulled into his long narrow driveway and parked there. Zayn got out and opened my door.

"Get out,"

"What?" I wasn't expecting him to be so mean about it.

"Get out!" He slapped my arm and I immediately held the red mark his hand left. I got out and slowly lifted my hand. The mark was more red than I thought. It hurt like a bee had stung me.

"Come on." He led me into his house. He showed me our room.

Wait, our room?

"Zayn, as much as I want to stay here with you, I can't."

"You have too."


"You're mine now." He scooped me up and carried me inside. He threw me on the couch. I hit my head on the arm with a loud thud.


"Oops." He replied sarcasticly with a grin on his face.

"Go make me something to eat."

"No! I'm not your maid!"

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Why is he acting like this?



I started walking towards the front door.

"You don't want to do that!"

"Oh yeah! Watch me!"

I stormed out the front door and slammed the door behind me. I didn't get far before Zayn came out and dragged me back into the house.


Zayn covered my mouth and stopped me from screaming.

"I told you not to do that!!"

He picked me up off the floor and flung me over his shoulder. He carried me up to his room and locked the door. He took off his clothes and started taking mine off. I squirmed from his touch. He grabbed my arm and pinned it to the bed so I couldn't move. He ripped off my clothes and tied me to the bed, one arm or leg tied to each bedpost. I tried to break free, but the knots were too tight.



He crawled on top of me and straddled me. I slammed my eyes shut and prepared for the pain.


I clawed at the bed sheets. The pain was unbearable.


He slapped me again.

After what seemed like hours, Zayn finally untied me. The ropes had cut into my skin and left rings of dried blood. He walked over to me and picked me up by my neck.

"That should teach you. Now go get dressed." He threw me onto the floor and walked downstairs.

I ran to the bathroom and sat against the door. I silently sobbed into my hands. How could he? He was perfect on TV and at concerts. This isn't the Zayn I fell in love with. I searched for my clothes and put them on real quick. I heard glass shatter and I went downstairs to see what happened.

"Fuck! Get over here and pick up this glass!"

I ran over to Zayn. Thousand of glass shards were scattered all over the kitchen floor.

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