Chapter 5.

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Zayn's POV


Who the fuck could be at the door?

I got up to go answer it. And guess who was at the door?



He was standing all alone in the rain. His hair was soaking wet.

"Come in, come in. What're you doing here?"

"Oh. I lost my job."

"Shhh. Riri is relaxing. She doesn't feel good." I looked over at Riri. She was sound asleep on the couch. Little snores came out of her mouth every now and then. Harry walked over to her.

"What happened to her arm?"

"Oh, she burned it on the stove." I stumbled to find words.

"Aww, tell her I said I hope she feels better."

"Ok. So why did you come here?"

"I don't know. Just to say hi." I pushed him out the door. He was ruining our special moment.

"Ok see ya."

"Why was Harry here?"

I turned around and saw Riri standing behind me.

"He was just stopping by to say hi but you were sleeping."

"Oh. What time is it?"


"Holy crap! I slept for 2 hours!"

Riri's POV

I slept for 2 fucking hours! I must've been tired! I stood up and walked over to Zayn. He leaned in to kiss me but I looked away.


"I just don't want to kiss you."


"Uh, I guess yeah."

"WHY?" You could tell he was getting mad now.

"I don't know." He reached down and grabbed my chin. He pulled my face to his and and pressed his lips on mine. I tried to break free, but his grip was tight. He shoved his tongue down my throat. I bit his tongue and he disconnected.

"Ow! What the fuck!" He grabbed my face with one hand and put his lips on mine again. I smacked him with my free hand, but he only crushed my fingers.

"Noooooo!" I tried to scream but his mouth muffled it. I slid my hand out of this and started beating on him. He let go of me and I ran upstairs. I ran into my room and locked the door.

It's sad I have to run from my boyfriend. He should be caring and protective. Instead, he's caring in the wrong way.

I ran my fingers through my hair and slouched against wall. A thought popped into my mind. If I do what he says, maybe he'll let me go.

"Open this door!"

I opened the door and threw my body at Zayn. I attached my lips to his and moved my lips at a steady pace. I pushed Zayn on the bed and climbed ontop of him. I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it behind me. He flipped me over and slipped my shirt over my head and unclasped my bra. I slid of my pants off but left my panties on. Zayn slid off his pants and gave me love bite on my neck. "What's my name?"

"Zaynnnn!" I moaned. I was kind of enjoying this.

"Good girl." He fiercely bit into me, I was sure that he left a bruise. He bent his arms and placed them on both sides of me. He pressed up onto me and grinded his hips against mine. I kissed his chest up to his neck to his mouth to his ear. "Let's go to bed" I whispered seductively.

Yeah so this book is going to get really sexual lol

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