Tourney and Semi-Weird Behavior

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Author's Note: Thank you toolazytologon, CALWriter, Blame-the-music, and LoveUriah2232 for reviewing. It means alot to me when you guys review, so keep doing that. I am so sorry that I kept you guys waiting for a new chapter. Fanfiction went down for a day, then I just was lazy. In the story, I'm making the coronation be on Saturday, at noon. I am not going exactly by the book and movie. So when I write that chapter, remember that. Also, my poll is now closed, so go find out the results on my profile. Now, without further ado, the next chapter!

Jay's POV

Me and Carlos are heading to the tourney field for practice. We have a big game today, and this is our last practice. Mal told me that she had managed to convince Ben to eat the love cookie, so I hope that he isn't too distracted on the field. I'm practicing running through the kill zone and dodging both people, and the dragon's fire. It's not real fire though, only disks that are fired at us. I was running, when I saw something blue in the clearing in the forest. I get hit by a disk, and I can see why you don't want to be hit. It hurts, a lot. I run to the clearing to get a better look, but what I see shocks me.

"Evie?" I say, puzzled. So this is where she disappeared to. But, she's passed out. I can tell that she's not dead, because I can see the subtle rise and fall of her chest.

"Carlos! Come here!" I shout, knowing that one person needed to go for help, and I wasn't about to leave my girlfriend alone in the woods. I look at her face, and I can see two or three bruises forming. Her arms are covered with scratches, and her leggings were torn. Carlos finally gets to the clearing, and he does a double take when he sees Evie.

"Oh my gosh, Jay, what happened to her?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know. It looks like someone attacked her." I answer.

"We need to get help. Carlos, you get Ms. Odie, I'll try to carry her to the school." I direct. Carlos takes off running, and I scoop Evie into my arms bridal style. I follow Carlos slowly, looking at Evie's face.

"Don't worry E, we're gonna find who did this to you. You're gonna be fine." I whisper, making my way to the hospital wing.

Evie's POV

"...she must have been spelled, there seems to be foreign magic..."

"...wouldn't do that..."

"...mustn't worry anyone..."

", it's fine..."

"...I think she's waking up!"

I heard people's voices, but the last one I knew belonged to Jay. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up, but that brought on a wave of dizziness, so I stayed down.

"Evie, can you hear me?" Carlos asked, looking down at me.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Jay asked.

"3 fingers and a thumb." I answer, amazed at the effort that talking required. I noticed Mal standing alone, reading a book. An actual book. I closed my eyes again because the light was too bright for me, but that caused everyone to panic. So I could only blink, and I tried to make those blinks last as long as possible.

I had noticed that Ms. Odie, the nurse, had left. Instead, Fairy Godmother was there, talking about there being foreign magic in my system or something.

"Evie, do you remember anything about your attack?" She asked.

"No, I just remember that... actually, it's kind of like someone removed all of my memories from that time. I can remember before and after, but not what happened during the attack." I replied.

"Okay. Well, you are released from the hospital wing, just remember to take it easy, ok?" She says.

I nod, and Jay walks me back to my dorm.

" I don't wanna just stay here, I wanna see you play." I whine.

"I know princess, but you know that they have live broadcasts of the game. You'll be able to see me." Jay reassures me.

"Fine. But it won't be the same." I say. Jay kisses me goodbye, and goes to the field for the game. I sit down on my bed after closing the door, and watch the game. It's not that exciting, but I like watching Jay dodge the disks. Auradon Prep wins, and Ben Decides to make an announcement.


"The name of my enemy." I tell the T.V. I decide to go to sleep early, but I lock the door first. Let Mal figure out where to sleep for the night. Tomorrow is Thursday, and it's also family day. Yippee.

The darkness settles over my eyes as I fall asleep, under the covers, oblivious to all the screaming, celebrating, and talking just outside that wooden door.

Author's note

Hi guys! I wrote an extra long chapter (in my opinion), just because I feel bad about making you wait so long. I was talking to one of my friends, and I told her that I felt bad for failing my people. As I said before, my poll is closed, but I'll be making polls about the winning 4 choices. These polls are like prompts for me, so please vote when I post them. You guys know the drill, review, follow, and favorite. Everyone of those helps me!
Evil (day)dreams (what time is 4:32 P.M.? I mean, it's not really nighttime, but not daytime either.)


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