part 21

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Bellatrix waited in her cell, she had had the Dementor's kiss enough times but it didn't faze her, why would it? You needed to be all good and have a soul to be affected, she was neither. She sighed as a Ministry official entered her cell. She looked up at him.

"Mrs Bellatrix Lestrange," he said. "Your re trial is for the 3rd January 2008."

Bellatrix nodded.

"You said you had names of death eaters who have escaped. Is this true?"

Bellatrix nodded.

"If your appeal to the original trial is successful, Mrs Lestrange you will be freed however for a period of two weeks, you will be in a reform programme," the official said.

"Right," Bellatrix replied.

"I will see you at the trial," with that said he turned on his heel and left the cell.

Bellatrix smirked. I will be out of here soon, maybe not in time for the wedding but soon, I'll break them, with a little help from a 'friend'.


Narcissa received an owl, early in the morning, she grabbed her cloak and left the house, she told Trinky she had to be somewhere.

She waited in the waiting room, before the secretary told her to go in. She entered the office of a tall man, with dark hair.

"Mrs Malfoy," he stood, he smiled as they shook hands. "I'm Dave Georginton. My job is to prosecute on behalf of the Ministry."

Narcissa nodded, "I remember how you were when my sister was on trial."

"Yes and this is a meeting about Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Is she ok?"

"Before I start, I think the second person for the meeting is here," he smiled as the door opened. Andromeda Tonks.

"Cissy," Andromeda smiled.

Narcissa stood up, "Andromeda." They hugged. After the war, the two sisters had made up. Andromeda was there for Narcissa when she lost Lucius and nearly lost Draco. The two sisters had put the past behind them.

Dave reintroduced himself and then faced both women seriously, "Bellatrix Lestrange is up for a retrial on the 3rd of January."

"What?" Andromeda asked.

"She has said she will give the name of every death eater that escaped and their location. If her evidence is correct she will be freed."

"Free her?" Narcissa held on to the seat. She couldn't believe she was hearing this.

"Yes but if she is freed then she will have to take a reform course for two weeks and then she will be on probation for six months."

"Probation?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes. The Ministry does recognise who she is, and what she has done. The ministry will keep close tabs on her, her magic will be closely observed. If she uses any of the unforgivable curses, any hexes, Ministry officials will be there to arrest her. There is one problem. When and if she is freed, will either of you let her stay with you or..."

"No," Narcissa and Andromeda said.

"Very well, the trial will be held here, you can come if you want."

"I think I speak for my sister as well," Andromeda said. "But we don't want anything to do with her."

Narcissa nodded as both sisters stood and said goodbye before leaving.

Narcissa and Andromeda both stood at the fountain.

"Do we tell everyone?" Narcissa asked.

"Not until after Christmas," Andromeda replied.

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