part 37

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Hermione headed down to the common room early, she wanted to wait for the owl before breakfast and she was lucky because it arrived ten minutes after she had woken up. She took the note and read it:

Luna Lovegood

Hermione Malfoy

Ginny Potter

Lavender Weasley

You will all report to the Hospital Wing at 9.30am. You will miss ten minutes of your first period. Do not be late.

Madam Pomfrey

Hermione looked at the time, it was quarter to eight. She knew the others would wake at eight and then they would have to go to breakfast. She waited patiently until they all were ready.

"Did the owl come?" Luna asked.

Hermione nodded, "9.30, this morning."

Lavender looked at the other girls, "Don't you think it'd be weird to be pregnant."

They now entered the great hall. Luna headed to her table with Blaise while Draco followed Hermione to the Gryffindor table with the others.

"Weird?" Ginny asked.

Lavender nodded, "I just feel, too young to be pregnant."

"I know what you mean," Hermione agreed.

"And then, will I make a good mother? That question just keeps popping into my head," Lavender sighed.

"Or will I make a good father," Draco offered.

Ron groaned. Hermione turned to Draco. He had fears. More than anything she wanted to talk to him, but she stopped herself. She didn't know why but she did. She pushed around the food on her plate until it was 9, meaning lesson time. It was time for her Ancient Runes class. She continuously stared at the clock. Girls were coming and going while the lesson was taking place, and finally it was her turn. She met the other three at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ready?" Ginny said to the others, who all nodded.

They walked quickly to the Hospital Wing, there was a queue outside.

"This is nerve wrecking," Lavender sighed.

"I'm not married yet, so does that mean contraception spells won't work with me?" Luna asked the others.

"Probably not, all contraception spells have been controlled, so to speak," Hermione replied.

Luna muttered something under her breath, which caused Lavender to smirk.

"Foul mouth," Lavender giggled.

Luna rolled her eyes, they were now at the front of the queue.

Madam Pomfrey called, "Luna Lovegood."

Professor McGonagall from the other side of the hospital wing called, "Hermione Malfoy."

Hermione walked to the left and sat on the bed. Professor McGonagall closed the curtains. It was now 9.50am.

"I think we'll have to get another professor to help," McGonagall sighed, "Are the queues very long?"

Hermione nodded.

"Nervous?" McGonagall asked.

"No," Hermione replied. "I already know."

McGonagall smiled, "Well let me double check." She muttered the incantation and nodded, "Three and a half weeks pregnant. Congratulations."

Hermione sighed, "So I'm automatically signed up for the life classes."

"You and Mr Malfoy," McGonagall said. "I assume you learnt the pregnancy spell and did the test yourself?"

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