Time is a wonderful thing

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Almost 3 months had passed from that day. Sherri and Teri now spent every day together. Kamar had admitted to cheating and moved out of the house and the boys spent equal time with Sherri and with Kamar. Sherri and Teri refused to be apart. They were either at Teri's house or Sherri's house. Teri's kids loved Sherri and John and Michael adored Teri. They had yet to tell the cast and crew that they were together since the show was still on hiatus for another week and the first table read was still another two days away.

It was Saturday morning. Sherri's boys were with Kamar for the weekend and Teri's two children were with their respective dads for a week as it was a break from school. The previous night had been spent kissing, touching, feeling and making passionate love. They had made love twice before. Once after Sherri confronted Kamar about the cheating. Sherri came back to Teri's very upset and ended up in the bedroom. The second time was at their first official date night. They had gone out to dinner and headed back to Sherri's house since the boys had a babysitter she paid her and she left leaving Sherri and Teri to their own devices.

The first to stir was Sherri. She was so used to the boys early in the morning that she woke up at the same time they would usually awake. She had her hand still clamped in Teri's. She had never felt happier. She just sat watching Teri sleep durning the next hour smiling every time a little grunt came out of her.

Teri finally stirred around 8am. She could feel a presence watching over her and said without opening her eyes. "Like what you see?"

At this Sherri planted a long kiss on her lips enough for Teri to open her eyes and grasp Sherri's head and pull the brunette closer to her.

The next two days came and went with nothing special which happened. They both spent the days lazing about.

They had to be at the table read at 9 am. It took a little longer to get there from Sherri's house at that time in the morning due to traffic. Teri wanted to leave at 8:30 to make sure they were in time. It was now 8:36.

"Sherri baby?" Teri shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah baby?"

"As much as I love you your time keeping is appalling. Can you move your cute ass a little faster please?"

"Honey don't worry I'm coming now."

Sherri slowly began her decent of the stairs. She was wearing a skirt which came to just above her knee, a shirt which came to a V which showed cleavage and flip flops.

Teri just stood open mouthed. Until Sherri coughed.

"Um babe?"

Teri then shut her mouth and blinked.

"You're lucky we have to leave or else you wouldn't be wearing that much longer." Teri said with a wink.

"Come on let's get to the studio" she said whilst walking past Teri smacking her behind and winking as she walked.

Bradley was the first producer to speak.
"Hey guys so welcome to the first table read of season 3!"

At this everyone cheered. Teri and Sherri looked at each other for a sign from one an other to who was going to speak.

Sherri was the one who finally spoke.

AN: You guys are AMAZING. You have given me so much love on this and are the reason I update. Hopefully I'll find the time to update over the next few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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