~ Trouble ~

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When the last bell of the day finally rang, I jumped out of my seat and went to the front of the school. I didn't see Max so I stood patiently waiting for him. Actually I wasn't waiting very patiently. I kept pacing back and forth, back and forth. When I finally saw him coming out of the school I felt really happy, I felt like everything was perfect and nothing else in the world mattered. I guess you could say it was the best moment of my life. But suddenly my moment was ruined when I saw a dark hooded object run behind the school. Of course my curious self wanted to take a look so I ran up to Max and said "I will brb, wait here, sorry". Before he had a chance to say anything in response I ran after the figure. When I got around the back of the school I saw nothing and I thought he had gone so I turned to leave to go back to Max but as I was walking away I got tackled. I threw the figure off me and quickly sprang to my feet, wishing I hadn't left my knife in my backpack which was with Max. I looked at the figure for a while trying to figure out who it was until he removed his mask and said, "I told you this wasn't over". It was Roy. I was to stunned to speak so I just continued staring. When Roy saw I wasn't going to speak he said "I guess you would rather fight than talk it out, your loss." Then he tried to kick me in the face but since I have very fast reactions I ducked it and tackled his legs. He went flying but was smart about it and elbowed me in the back. He used all his strength and momentum to knock the wind right out of me. I was about to get up and punch him again even though I couldn't breath when Max came around the corner and says "Avery what is going on?" As I put my arm down I see Roy has put his hood and mask back on and then he runs into the woods. I collapse to the ground as I start to breathe again. Max comes over and puts him around me and says "Are you okay?" I was in to much pain to even react to him having his arm around me. When I finally start to feel better I say "Yeah I am fine." "U sure" says Max, "you don't look fine". "I'm fine" I say again. He helps me up and takes my hand and we walk to his house while holding hands. I tried to feel happy that we were holding hands but Max looked confused and mad so we continued to walk in silence. Nice going Roy, I thought to myself. Way to make the best day turn into the worst day just in 5 minutes. In fact this is the second time he has done that. Boy he makes me mad.

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