Chapter Three: Meeting Her Friends

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We arrive at this nice mansion looking place. Remember that glass house that Edward lived in from Twilight? Yea well this house looks like that but a bit bigger.

Spike lifts me out if the car and takes my hand again. We walk over to the house and I see this really short guy with big muscles. He's sitting next to this girl with pink hair. It smells like some kind if plant and the air is smokey and foggy.

Spike claps her hands twice and everyone automatically pays attention to her. " I've brought a guest into our humble abode so be polite or else. " Her teeth clench up as she takes us to a white sofa. I sit down, hoping she'll sit next to me and not next to that girl Stitches. To my surprise, she leaves the room with that short muscles guy and Stitches sits next to me. " So, don't you want to introduce yourself to the gang? " I look at Stitches then at the pink haired girl and two more people walk in the room. One guy who's skinny and has long blonde hair. He has a " Fall Out Boy " shirt on and dome khaki shorts on.

The other is a girl that I know from school. I think she may have been Spikes ex girlfriend but I don't know. She has long black braids and a she's wearing a white t-shirt with blue skinny jeans and dark blue Jordans. Her name is Izzy I believe. I have math with her third period.

" Hey, I'm Talia. " I speak in a higher voice than intended. " I'm edge and this here is my girlfriend Izzy. I think you know her from school. " He laughs as he leans against the wall and pulls out cigarette.

" Yea, we have math third period right? Your that cute blonde who sits in the back being quit all day. The Shakespearean girl who quotes stories all the time. " She laughs then slips something into her mouth.

" I'm Pink. " She runs her fingers through her hair then stands up. " And rule number one, no narcs. " She walks towards Stitches and she stands up. Stitches runs her fingers through Pinks hair then they kiss passionately. " What would I narc on? " I as they stop and go their separate ways. " Well your girl is the brains and bronze of this group and her ultimate rule is that if you dated her, you can't date any of her ex's. " Pink says as she sits back down.

" Who are all her ex's? " I have a suspicious look on my face but quickly change it before they notice.

" Every girl that you see here accept for Jordan. You'll see Jordan soon I guess. " I look around the room at the three girls in the room. " So did anyone ever break that rule? " I look at Stitches mainly because she's right next to me.

" Yea, one of the first members of this group. Her name was- " Just as Stitches is about to talk, that big guys body falls and hits the ground. " Remember Little T, no narcs. " I wink at a now standing Stitches.

" Hey babe, ready to go? " Spike takes my hand and helps me off the couch. " Yea but who's that guy? I've already met everyone else. " I point to the muscle dude on the floor. " That's just Grundy. Ready to go? " She asks once again before kissing me gently.

" Yea, who's all coming? " She walks is out of the house and I turn around. " It's just Pink and Stitches today. Tomorrow we'll all go and you'll meet the whole crew. " She smiles and helps me into the car again. Pink sits upfront with Stitches and Stitches starts the car and we drive off to the mall.


When we get to the mall, Spike hands me another five hundred then runs off else where. I am left with a love filled Pink and a lustful Stitches. " C'mon newbie, lets go have some fun! " Pink takes my hand and we all run into journey's. I grab a green pair of converse and a red pair. I use fifty dollars for those then sit there for a minute while Pink and Stitches kiss. I pick up an avatar keychain and pay one dollar.

We run to American Eagle and I buy a ten dollar bowtie and a fifty dollar button down shirt to match it. We run out and they take me to the fountain. There we take all the silver change out and run. Pink keeps the change in her on strap back pack as we run from the security guard. We run into Spencer's a and I buy a whole new outfit. I pick up a batman tank top and some black skinny jeans with some batman vans.

Stitches does the same but wears superman and with red skinny jeans. Pink wears a pink superwoman outfit. We run out and go to lids to get matching hats. When we're done, we run to the food court and get Chinese.

We share three pounds if teriyaki chicken and low mien followed with three eggrolls. We have so much food leftover that I have to put it in my book bag. We run down to build a bear workshop and make ten monkeys and buy like thirty outfits. " You guys are so much fun! Where have you been all my life? " I scream as we run to Victoria secret. There, we get alot of lotion and perfume and throw it at the customers. The same security guard comes and we head to Hollister.

There we all get plaid shirts and skinny jeans with some black converse and run yet again. A few hours have passed since I've seen Spike and I miss her. I never asked here where she went in fear that she may say something crazy like she went to go fight or she went to go kill someone. She's very mysterious and scary but I never bother to ask what she does.

We finally meet up with Spike in Macy's. She's talking to some guys who looks like he just got beat to a bloody pulp. He has scars all over his face and arms, blood dripping from his nose onto the clean white floor. I don't bother to go over to her, because it seems as though she's the one who beat him.

I hear her scream something as she kicks him in his balls. " Get my money, or I'll make sure you wont be able to breathe without a tube in you neck! " She rips off some skin from his arm.

She starts towards us and I can't help but run towards her and jump into her arms. She smells like vanilla bean and I love it. She lets me down gently and kisses me hard. I wrap my arms around her neck and hers go around my waist. She hugs me tight, never unlocking our lips. I love our kisses, so long and soft. I finally pull back and release from the kiss, smiling softly at her.

" I missed you! Please don't leave me that long again. " She takes me to out of the Macy's and to the Sprint store. I forgot she broke her phone yesterday so she needs a new one. She buys the new LG Four Flex. We leave the mall and it's damn well close to midnight but Jane hasn't called it texted yet.

We get in the car and drive to school to go get mine. When I get out, Spike takes my bags to my car and puts them in the passenger seat. " Same thing tomorrow? " I smile with my hands around her neck. " Yea, but I'm coming to pick you up tomorrow so we'll have more time together and so I wont have to cone back to this wretched place they call school. " We both laugh the stare for a while.

" Sounds like a plan, I'll text you my address tomorrow morning. " I say slowly, letting my lips move slow to. She kisses me then says goodbye and before I know it, she's gone. I get into my car and ride home.

Jane is waiting outside for me with a cover and some burgers. " Oh thank God you're home! I thought you were killed by her and that gang. " She laughs as I get out of the car. " No, sorry I'm so late. We just had a little extra fun at the mall. " I pull all the bags out if the car and Jane helps me. " Do you want a burger? " I look at her with a sick to my stomach look.

" No, but I have two pounds left of low mien and teriyaki chicken in my back pack. So that's dinner for the next five days. I also got some new clothes so if you want to wear them any time, you can. God knows I may not ever wear them. Also, do we have have hair clippers? " I ask opening the door.

" Yea, and thanks. I do not feel like cooking dinner every day until mom and dad get back. And as far as the new clothes, I guess I'll wear them. Why do you need clippers? " I set my bags on my bed and we put clothes away. " I might cut the side of my head and dye my tips purple but I don't know yet. " I smile then put on my night clothes. " Really? Would you mind if I cut mine and dye it electric blue? " I laugh then respond to her question. " Of course not, we're twins so you know, we've got to keep up the matching image just a little. " I say pulling out my new shoes.

" Ok cool, I think I'll do mine tomorrow night. " She lays down and I turn the lights off. " Yea, I'll do mine with you so what for me ok? " I turn off the light. " Ok, I'll wait for you. Goodnight, I love you Talia. " She whispers. " I love you too Jane, goodnight. " I say before falling asleep.

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