The Chosen

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The Chosen
By: the_selectionfanfics

Summary- Hero Carver was a normal six, with big dreams of becoming a famous artist. When her family falls in times of need, she turns to the selection for hope, although she doesn't want to. To her surprise (but not ours) she's chosen.


I rate this book 7.5 out of 10 stars

As you get farther into this book, you see how beautifully written it is. Tons of people die, tons of people fall in love, and tons of readers fangirl.

The beginning was slow, granted most books are like that. It started off a lot like the selection, and I honestly thought it was going to basically be a copy but BOY was I wrong!

Hero's character and story surprised me more than I even imagined. She had a hard past, and I think it touched us all.

I honestly got a little upset, though, when she left to prove that Connor was a bad guy. I think that it was over reacting to the situation, honestly. Though I understand that they were Rushed it seemed a bit like they were trying to cause trouble in their relationship.

I also noticed quite a few grammatical mistakes in the first half of the book, but notedly, it's gets better as the writing progresses. In multiple comments and Instagram posts, the author shares her feelings on how her writing wasn't as good a year ago, but how it had changed and developed. I whole heartedly agree with her on that!

Honestly, though, I was a little heartbroken to find Anders not winning Hero's heart. I know Everette must be the one for her, but I absolutely ADORE Anders. He's probably my favorite character in the book.

I know this review is extremely short, but due to me starting school tomorrow, I should probably get to bed. Share your feelings about The Chosen in the comments! Do you agree or disagree? Remember to be nice:)

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