10. Clumsy Words & Kisses

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Chapter 10: Clumsy Words & Kisses.

Rose's POV:

"M'am what are you doing on the roof?" A nurse softly said, walking towards me. I blinked a couple times and looked at her with a confused face. "I don't know," I said, she gave me a smile and grabbed my hand leading me back down to my room. "How'd you find me?" I asked her. She continued to walk down the stairs carefully before answering my question. "The cameras." She said pointing at the one on the wall of the staircase, I felt very confused on how I got up there.

The last thing I remember was talking with my mom, and that she was on her way. When we arrived at my room, the nurse reattached every needle and monitor back to me. The TV was still on, showing a documentary on the Egyptians. "My darling," a dark voice said, I looked at the door to see the voodoo man. "So happy to see you again." He said clapping his hands. "I see you're not doing too well, sorry about scaring you, the other night." Mario sat down in the hospital chair smiling at me. He was the mysterious character in the middle of the road, but why?

"Now, that I've made my point to Harry. Our deal should be back on." Mario said, he twisted one of his rings off his fingers and held it up. "Dannie should be here tomorrow morning to pick you up." He quietly walked out of my room, manically laughing down the hallway. I'm not leaving with Dannie that was for sure, how could she send me to that freak? Then just leave.

I shook my head, my body was tired again from our little journey to the rooftop.

* * *

Harry's POV:

I found Tara's scent leading into a dark tunnel that was off to the side of the hospital. It was filled with graffiti and different markings on the outside, rodents ran out of the tunnel. I walked into the tunnel and looked for my sister, she was near that was for sure.

The tunnel, reeked of fresh blood. The smell was not as satisfying as it usually is to me. "Tara?" I whispered out, I stood still and listened closely. There were small footsteps walking slowly to me, I turned around to see Tara. "What the hell happened to you?" She didn't say anything to me, she kept walking towards me. "Stay still, this will be less hard." Tara ran to me and began biting my neck, I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to rip my head off, I pushed Tara away and stepped back.

"You know you can't beat me," I spat out, touching my neck that was now healing from her bite. "It's apart of the deal, Harry." Tara said no emotion entering her face, I looked at her and watched her every move. "Cut the bullshit Tara, what deal?" I asked, there was only one deal we've come across this week. Mario's deal. "This is Mario's idea of a deal?" I said laughing at him thinking my sister could kill me. "That's quite a pathetic deal, you can't kill me Tara."

We walked in circles, watching each other's every move. "Let's get it over with already!" I yelled to her, Tara ran to me aiming for my neck again. I slammed her body against the tunnel wall, hitting her hard in the stomach. I grabbed her shirt and pulled her closer to me. "You weak piece of shit." I said, dropping her she didn't get back up. "Fuck you Harry, you're a shitty excuse for a brother. Kill me already we all know the almighty Harry can't be killed by anyone." She spit out, wiping the blood that was dripping from her mouth. I looked at her, guilt hitting me, watching my only family suffer from my wrath. "Shut up."

I started walking out of the tunnel, and going back into the hospital to see Rose. Tara yelled out threats to me and her voice soon faded when I entered the frigid hospital. The front desk lady was sleeping on her desk little snores coming from her. I decided to leave her alone and let the poor woman sleep. Pressing the 'up' button on the elevator waiting for it to open, soon the metal doors slid open.

When I reached the floor Rose's room was on, there were a couple nurses walking in the halls and other patients coughing or complaining. I soon reached her room knocking on the door, I could hear her breathing softly. The TV was left on the history channel playing some weird show that was determined to prove that aliens created everything. I sat in the hospital chair that was next to her bed, I just watched her sleep peacefully. She looked so calm and finally getting some well deserved rest. Something she'd could never get with me, she was too afraid to even close her eyes.

I sighed and stood up looking outside the window, I could see the sun coming up slowly. The sky filling with various bright colors making the sky look breathtaking. "Harry?" Rose's groggy voice spoke out, I turned around and smiled at her sleepy face. "Hey love, how are you feeling?" I said, she sat up and stretched her arms. "I feel much better actually, how are you feeling?" She asked me, I looked down to the boring tiles that seemed so interesting at that moment. "I'm doing good, it makes me happy that you're doing well." I said, she gave me a small smile before turning her interest to the TV.

"Hey, can you ask the nurse if I can check out now?" She said, fiddling with the remote. "Yeah, sure I'll be right back." I said leaving the room and walking out to the nearest desk. "Excuse me miss?" I said, the woman looked up at me her face filled with exhaustion. "Can Rose Alvarez check out now?" I asked, she nodded her head and gave me some paperwork for Rose to fill out. "Just bring it up to the desk when you're on your way out!" The nurse called out, I nodded and went back to the room.

"Okay, you can go." I said, Rose was changing out of her hospital gown and having the help of the nurse get all the needles and monitors off. "Okay thanks." I smiled at her and waited in the hallway till she was fully dressed. Wondering what it would be like to see her beautiful body without any needles poking her or hospital gowns covering her. "Harry?" Rose yelled out, I came back in quickly. "Yes? You need me to carry anything for you?" I asked, she nodded her head and handed me her bag full of clothes. "Do you need a wheelchair m'am?" The nurse asked Rose, she was about to reply before I replied for her. "No, I'm going to carry her but thank you for asking." The nurse left the room, Rose thanking her for helping her.

"You ready to go?" I asked, she nodded. I picked Rose up, she was as light as feather. "The nurse already took the paperwork so we don't need to stop at the desk." I walked to the elevator the hallways now more busy than they were a couple hours ago. The elevator was taking too long so I just went down the stairs being careful not to bring any pain to Rose. "I'll take you back to your dorm if you'd like," I said, she shook her head and laid her head down on my chest. "Let's go back to your house, please."

When we got to the car, I laid Rose down in the back seat. Putting her bag of clothes down as well, she gave me a smile and thanked me. "Wait," I looked back down at her, she sat up and patted the seat next to her. "Harry, kiss me." I looked at her shocked just looking at her before doing anything. After regaining my senses, I leaned down and gave her a kiss. Her lips moving in sync with mine, she smiled into the kiss. "Thank you, again." I kissed her on the cheek and got in the drivers seat.

* * *

There's chapter 10! Already 10 chapters? Thank you to all of you who are reading it, it means a lot to me to know someone's actually reading this.

Don't forget to vote & comment on this chapter! I really would like to know what you think, it helps me as a writer :)

Hopefully updating next Friday or Saturday!

[[p.s. I have a new fanfic out called "Two White Roses" if you want you can check out the prologue that's up right now!]]

~Lins xx

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