6. Mario's Deal

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Chapter 6 ~ Mario's deal

Harry's POV:

"Hello?" I heard a small voice call out, it was Luna who finally arrived. "Luna, welcome." I spoke lowly, she flinched when she saw me fear running into her eyes. "Ha- Harry... What do you need me to do?" She asked. "I need you to do a locator spell for that dear friend you helped put an invisibility spell on." Luna's eyes went big and she stepped back a couple steps getting farther away from me.

"What friend?" She spat out, her back now meeting the wall. "Don't play dumb with me Luna, you know very well. Tara saw you helping them." I said. Luna was beyond terrified of me. I can't hurt her yet I need her for the spell. "I'm not gonna hurt you... yet." I said, and I grabbed her arm an lead her upstairs. "Do you have your book?" I asked and she nodded her eyes were filling with tears. "Good."

Soon she was setting up candles around her, I watched her she was scared. "I'm ready." She said. "Give me something of hers," I handed her the necklace Rosalina left in Tara's bathroom.

"Phasmatos tribum nas ex veras..."

Luna repeated the spell, then she gasped. "I found her, she's at a voodoo shop downtown with Dannie and a weird man she's not awake." She spoke out, I nodded and ran out of the room. "Don't leave." I yelled out. Grabbing my car keys, I left the house as fast as I could.


"Where is she?" I yelled out, there she was lying on the ground unconscious. "What'd you do to her?" I ran over to her touching her face she was ice cold, her heart was slowly beating. "I gave her a potion that'll knock her out, she won't wake up for awhile." Mario said, a smirk on his face. "For how long?" I asked, this bastard and his potions. "Till I feel she should come back." He said. "And if you die?" I said getting up from the grown leaving my love who is helpless. "She'll die with me, easy as that Harry. For someone so old you really aren't that smart." Mario said and walked over to Rose picking her up he set her on the couch full of beads.

"Till next time my dear... Isn't she beautiful? Now she's under my control, not yours." Anger was boiling inside me I couldn't do anything to harm Mario without harming Rose. "What do you want?" I said, I've dealt with Mario before for a long time. He always wants something in return, and I'll give anything for Rose to be back and conscious again.

"Hmm, now that you ask Harry I do want something. But I don't know if you're the vampire to get it for me." He spoke tapping his chin. "Bring me Tara, then we'll speak again. And maybe I'll consider giving you Rose for this item." He said, and with a snap Rose was gone from the couch. "Tara?" I pushed this man's idea further. "She should know how to get it, all her knowledge on it will help you get Rose back."

I left the shop and got back in my car my hand grasped the wheel tightly. "Damn it!" I yelled out, grabbing my phone out I called Tara. "Did you get her?" She asked calmly, I rolled my eyes at her response. "No, I need you here at the voodoo shop now." I quickly spoke and hung the phone up.


Rose's POV:

Everything was dark, the room smelled of various fruits. "Good morning sweetheart." A man's voice greeted to me, I looked up and saw Mario. "Wh-h..." I could barely speak what did he give me? "Oh, yes I should probably give you you're words back so we can talk." Marcos said, he got up and grabbed the liquid he gave me before. He poured it into a small glass and handed it to me, "Drink." I obeyed him an drank the weird liquid again.

"Talk now." He said. "Why am I here?" I said, the words I planned to say before coming out smoothly. "Dannie wants you to stay with me, do you remember why?" He asked, I shook my head all I remember is that blue liquid you keep giving me. "This is working then, I'll give you more in a couple of hours. For now you need to go back to sleep baby don't want Harry knowing you're awake." He said, my eyes started to close as Mario said the last word. Who's Harry?


Chapter 6 (: tell me what you think about Mario?

Updating tomorrow? (Maybe)


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