Chapter 4

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"Awww" " their so cute" "give me my phone" " I'm posting this on Twitter" I heard voices from everywhere then I slowly started to open my eyes to find the whole gang was standing their then i looked to see I was snuggling into Luke and I didn't want to get up but I had to. As I started to slowly sit up Luke started pulling me back down so I just snuggled into his chest knowing I would lose the battle anyways so after about five minutes of everyone talking I finally started to push myself up and get out of his arms as I was walking up stairs he sat up and sang "BABY COME BACK" "sorry but no" I said sassily than said "if you want me you can get your lazy butt up and off the couch" I then felt two arms wrap around me and drag me up the stairs. Once we got up the stairs I felt teasing kisses on my neck. Which then turned into a heated make out session. I opened the door while still kissing Luke until I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up to see calum and Ashlyn. "Calum Ashlyn what are you doing in my room" I said with as much innocence as I could muster. "Dear sister you are in my room and Lucas if you don't get your hands off my sister you will lose your hands" I looked around and realized I was in  my brothers room but I looked at him and I noticed red lip stick marks on his face the same color as Ashlyn's  lip stick on her lips. A evil smirk then played on my lips Luke soon caught on we glanced at each other and yelled in unison "Ashton" he soon came running in and looked at the scene in front of him "CALUM GET THE H*LL AWAY FROM MY SISTER" Calum soon ran to the other side of the room. We all know that calum is afraid of Ashton when it comes to Ashlyn. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE'' I had to stifle a laugh I looked over at luke and he was doing the exact same thing. ''w-well Ash here us out'' stuttered Ashlyn ''I LOVE HER'' Calum yelled with a lot of pride that I've never seen before but yet it equally makes me proud ''I LOVE HER ASHTON AND THEIR IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT'' then Ashton slammed Calum up against the wall while I held Ashlyn back '' then you better not hurt her then Hood or else I will kill you'' Ashton then stormed out of the room ''I can't believe he did that'' Ashlyn said with anger. See I originally did not know her and Calum were a thing wgich actually makes me really mad probably not as much to Ashton but really close to it. ''well he had a reason to be'' I said with anger ''now what's you problem'' Ashlyn and Calum said in unison ''MY PROBLEM IS...'' ''babe calm done'' luke said in a calming tone '' my problem is that my best friend and my brother kept this from me; two of the people I tell everything too kept this from me'' I said with anger than stormed out of the room. ''BABE'' but I was already running out of the house, good thing I went to bed in black sweats and a black tank top. I then heard a voice behind me, not Calum, not Ashlyn, not even Luke; but Ashton. I slowed so he could catch up '' I brought you shoes'' he held up my black bear paw boots ''thanks'' I slipped on my boots and put my hair in a cute messy bun. '' I can't believe they had the nerve to keep that from us'' He said I just nodded my head in agreement knowing that if I opened my mouth some not so nice words would come out. ''when should we head back?'' I asked ''Whenever you want to babe'' he then gently pushed then we heard a strangers voice ''Awe you guys are a cute couple'' Ashton and I looked at each other shocked then at the lady and said in unison '' WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!!!!'' ''I have a boyfriend'' '' and I have a girlfriend'' the lady then finished off with ''Well it should be each other you guys would be an adorable couple'' then she walked away. Ashton and I the turned around and started to walk back home, I then started off our conversation by saying ''Well that was...weird...interesting'' he then asked '' Are we going to tell anybody about this?'' I just gave him a simple shrug of my shoulders. My phone started vibrating in my pocket, I looked at the collar ID I have only seen that number on the boys and the parents phones and I recognize that number to be Hi or Hey Records. Why would they be calling me? I immediately answered:

Catherine: italics Management:Bold


Ah, Yes hello Catherine Hood, I have something very important to talk to you about when is the soonest you can get down to the Management?

Um, right now sir...but may I ask why?

You will find out when you get here, See you

The line then went dead.. ''Hey Ash, is it okay if we make a pit stop?'' ''Sure, but where to?'' ''Hi or Hey Records'' we then raced there.

Outside Hi or Hey Records

''I beat you Ash'' ''Only by a few steps'' ''Stop being a baby and let's go!'' we then strolled our way into Hi or Hey Records. The receptionists I think her name was Susanne greeted us '' Hello Miss. Hood I see that you have brought Mr. Irwin with you'' ''Hello to you too, Susanne and yes Ash tagged along'' ''You can head right in now'' ''Thank you, Susanne''. Ashton and I started walking until Susanne called out to us and we turned around ''May I just say you two are an adorable couple!'' ''NO! WE ARE NOT A COUPLE'' we said in unison which probably did not help our case ''Okay! You crazy kids get in there'' We then knocked on the door and heard a ''come in'' so we entered Mr. Richards( sorry idk) ''Ah, Catherine you made it and I see you have brought Mr. Irwin with you! Well, kids have a seat we have an important manner to talk about'' I started to get nervous and I think Ash noticed so he gave my hand a light squeeze '' As you know Mr. Irwin here and the rest of your band were discovered by Mr. Louis Tomlinson, Well...when was the last you and your band have longed on to your internet channel?'' "Not for at least three days if not more'' ''Well Miss. Hood in that time period your band as received over 1 million subscribers and followers on most of your social media accounts and that is on top of the subscribers you already had, Do you wonder why? Well have you heard of the band Little Mix?'' I was in to much shock that it was hard to answer ''Of course! I love them!'' ''Well, Miss. Jade Thirlwall has taken quite a liking to your band so much that she tweeted you subscribed you followed you and all that other stuff on your social media accounts... you know what how about I let her explain the rest? Or how about all of them? Little Mix!'' he called out for them, I think I let out a squeal because Ashton hurried and grabbed my hand to make sure I stay rational and professional'' ''Well, Hello Catherine it is great to meet you I am really impressed by your music especially your own originally written songs'' Jade said to me... JADE THIRLWALL IS TALKING TO ME!!!JADE THIRLWALL IS GIVING MY BAND COMPLIMENTS ''Thank you so much that means a lot coming from you!!'' ''Why? it is the complete honest truth... Also nice to see you again Ashton!'' ''It is nice to see you guys again too'' Ashton said ''Its so cute seeing a young couple'' Leigh-Anne spoke ''NO! WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK WE ARE A COUPLE??'' we said at the same time which is still not helping our case '' because you guys look really cute together and would be a cute couple!'' Perri gushed then Marcel the assistant (; rushed in ''Mr. Richards the alarm went off and this is going to be the next story its already published and ready its just loading the process will be done by tomorrow morning'' Marcel said with fear, ''What is the alarm for and what is the report on?'' Marcel the spoke up and said '' The alarm tells us what the next magazine covers and insides will be about it tells us so we can watch out for drama and the report is on-'' Marcel was then cut off by Mr. Richards saying ''this'' then he showed a magazine with the headline: Is Ashton Irwin dating Catherine Hood? ''Oh no! How are we going to fix this?'' I started to panic then Ashton pulled me into a soothing hug and started to whisper calming things ''We can't we will just have to deal with it... As I was saying know what I will just cut to the chase, your bands guardians have already signed.. So, Congratulations because Rebels Playground is going on Tour!'' he finished then their was cheering and yelling throughout the room ''you kids should get home and get some sleep with what you two will have to deal with tomorrow'' we the got up and walked home:


We reached home at like 10:30 and Ash and I didn't even care to see if the others were up waiting up we went straight up to my room and crashed together on my bed. I willingly let darkness consume me...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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