Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning when I felt to arms around me waist. As I looked up to see who's arms they belong to I felt heat immediately rise to my cheeks. But he was sleeping anyways so I didn't bother look down, I thought I mine as well get ready before everyone else wakes up. So I go upstairs and jump in the shower. I decided to wear my black nirvana crop top(that I made) and my black short skirt with my red plaid long sleeve over it. It may be hot outside but it's freezing in this house. I decided on wearing black heels, I decided on curling my hair in loose curls and wear black I make up. As I walk down stairs I notice everyone was still sleeping so I decided I'd make breakfast. I made eggs, pancakes, French toast, blueberry,chocolate, and plain waffles with bacon and sausage with orange juice and milk. I noticed nobody was up yet so I grabbed to big pans and started banging them together and screaming "BREAKFAST IN THE MESS HALL". They all started to groan and give me evil death glares. Then they all give me a confuse look and ask "how did you cook and get dressed already" I just shrugged me shoulders and started marching in the kitchen and started eating. Soon after everyone followed. That's when Calum looked at the time that read 6:45 "WHY DID YOU WAKE US UP SO EARLY" he screamed. I calmly shrugged and said "cause we have school"then they all looked at each other with a panicked expression before racing to get dressed.

Now at school
As I walk in all eyes were on us but none of the crazy fans came up to the boys but someone who did come us to us was "special" in my life "hey babe" I said kissing him for a minute before Luke cleared is throat which is not what I expected coming from him, but I just shrugged it off. "Guys this is my boyfriend Chad captain of the football team"I said with a smile on my face. Earlier when I put quotation marks around special is that I'm not using him it's just I'm trying to move on because I guess I have to face the fact that me and Luke will never be. "Well we gotta go guys bye" I said while walking away with Chad my hand in his. I felt kind of bad about leaving them but I knew Chad would make a big deal about it.

Luke's P. O. V
We walked in to school and luckily no fans surrounded us. But this tall guy came up to our group "hey babe" said Catherine. Wait a second did she just say babe. I felt a lot of jealousy with that, but then it got worse they started kissing and I was fed up so I finally cleared my throat and they pulled away. Yes I am secretly in love with Catherine even the guys know it. Then Catherine shot me a confused look but then shrugged it off. "Well we gotta go bye guys" Catherine said then walked off. Did she seriously ditch us for that scumbag, I thought. As if Calum was reading my thoughts he said "did she seriously ditch us for that scumbag?" He questioned mainly towards the girls they all nodded in unison "he actually used to bully her physically and emotionally and mentally we try to confront her about it but she goes on and on about how he's changed and we caught him cheating and we told her but she blew up and started yelling at us saying "he would never do that he's changed" so after awhile we got used to her ditching us for him but we will never leave her side cause she is our sister" said Lydia. I just stared at her with wide eyes about what Chad did to her I would so kill him if I could.

Catherine's P. O. V
The rest of the day went by pretty slow when it was lunch time I grabbed a sub and a blue monster and started walking to the girls and guys and they looked up and smiled at me that was until I heard Chad's voice calling me from the other direction to go sit with them so I turned on my heel and made my way to Chad's table I could feel their eyes staring in the back of my head. After that the day went by pretty slowly. As the end of the day came I was walking out to the cars with the girls and guys when Chad came by and yelled "Catherine let me give you a lift" so I threw my keys to Luke and hopped in Chad's car. We started to drive away even though I knew we were going to the usual for our date roller skating, movie, and pizza. Chad always thinks he's gonna get lucky at the end of the night but that's never the case. School ends at 2:30 and I got home about 10:00. I tried to sneak in the door but that's not the case I open the door to everyone with puffy red eyes and worried expressions on their face no one seemed to notice that I walked through the door and I walked in and asked "what's wrong?" Everyone's face had relief wash over them but then as I look at Calum anger washes over the relief " WHERE THE H*LL HAVE YOU BEEN WE WERE WORRIED SICK THAT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU PUT US THROUGH" Calum screamed in my face. I could feel myself get teary eyed and his expression softened a little and I held back my tears and croaked as I turned to the girls and said "you guys know the first Monday of every month we go on this date" Makayla responded by saying "yeah we know but you've never been out this late" "what were you doing anyways" asked Micheal and Ashton in unison. "Well first we went to the roller skating rink then we seen ant man and paper towns then went to a pizza place don't worry we weren't doing anything like your thinking" I chuckled and said "I'm really sorry you guys" "it's okay" they all say in unison "hey Catherine can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Luke asked with his normal cuteness...wait I'm not allowed to say that I have a boyfriend. "Yeah sure" I responded a little too quickly than I should've because everybody snickered after that and I looked down and blushed a blood shade of red. We walked outside and sat in the front lawn " so what is it Lukey" I questioned "Well ya see...we don't think Chad is good for you he's a bad influence like past curfew and making you ditch your friends and he used to bully you" he said ever so calmly which made my blood boil even more "DONT YOU DARE COME AND TRY TO TELL ME WHATS GOOD FOR ME CAUSE YOU WOULDNT KNOW CAUSE YOU WERENT HERE YOU WERE GONE ON TOUR TO KNOW ANYTHING SO I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT" I screamed while running in to the house crying as soon as I hit the bed mattress I let darkness consumed me...

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