Burn (5)

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*Fawns p.o.v*

As a child I'd always wonder why I didn't have normal parents. They never took me out for ice cream, or played baseball with me in the backyard. I would blame myself for it. If I wouldn't have wondered off in the woods she wouldn't have chased me. She wouldn't have tried to protect me. Her doing so ended her life. Which in turn, made my father loose his life source. My father kept me locked up, away from the pack. He didn't want other pack mates to see his failure. The kid that killed his mate. Every time he visited, he'd yell at me, kick me, make me feel even worse about my very existance. For a young child, I understood what was going on. I would cry for my mother every night, pray to the goddess to take me instead. To make my father happy again.

I gave up on my father eventually. I knew he wouldn't be the figure I needed. The abuse didn't start for years, only when he became deranged did he start allowing it. Encouraging it. Then, he remarried and forgot about me. Leaving me to the beasts.

If I knew that this was my future, I would have ran further. Away from my mother, away from that place. I couldn't then, I was afraid, but death would have been better than years of abuse and torment.

The only good memories in that place were of my mother. She wasn't the motherly type, but she cared. She loved me, more then my father that's for sure. When she died, things got worse. I often wonder if she never passed, would things be the same way? Would fate cause my abuse to occur? Was this supposed to be apart of who I was?

I know one thing for sure, I was supposed to escape. I was meant to survive.


"When is he supposed to wake up Papa?" A voice whispers. Everything sounds faded, like I was in another state of mind.

"Well, we've done everything we could. Now, we have to allow his body to heal itself." A deeper, more mature voice responds.

Once my mind wraps around what's happening I bolt up in the bed. I haven't been on one for years, but I remember what it feels like. I hear loud beeping coming from beside me and my scared gaze falls on a big piece of machinery hooked up to my body. Wires litter my body, my hands shake slightly as I pull up the blanket to cover my naked torso.

My eyes dart between the two people. I calm down slightly when I notice that one of them is the boy from earlier. Well, I think that it was earlier. How long have I been asleep for? What if they have found me? I've been in one spot for too long. If they haven't tracked my scent by now, they have other means to find me.

Panic fills my veins once again as I think of my Impending capture. If I had it worse before, I don't know what my endless torment is going to be like now.

The older man approaches me slowly, putting up his hands in a surrender motion. Showing me that he means no harm, but I don't trust him. He doesn't posses the same pureness as his son.

"It's okay. I'm not going to harm you." He promises as he nears my bed. I shake my head at him. Scanning the room for a quick exit.

"There's no way to get around us son. Better give up that idea." The man once again says. I glare at him sharply.

My mother used to joke that I couldn't harm a fly, and that I couldn't hold a glare for the life of me. I inherited her eyes, yet her glare could freeze any man in his place.

"Little man, it's going to be fine. My father just wants to help you, make you feel better. You have some nasty cuts, and you're weak. Let him help you. Please." The boy begs, making my eyes land on him. He's since gotten changed and has bathed. I nod my head no at him, hoping that they will leave me be. Let me go. I need to get out of here. I need to keep moving. I can't let them get to me.
"If you don't let me help you, you won't make it another week. You are malnourished, dehydrated and your body needs rest." The man tells me. Trying to convince me into signing my death warrant. I nod my head at them once again.

My hands grasp at the wires, about to rip them off of my body. These are the same wires that were connected to my mother. They don't belong on me.
Hands fall on my own before I could yank them off. I look up to see the boy standing beside my bed. He frowns at me and shakes his head no. I try to tell him with my eyes that I have to go. I have to keep going.

"At least stay for a couple nights. By then your body will be able to heal itself." The father says, pleading me with his eyes. I look between the two. Realizing that I don't have a choice in the matter at the moment.

Once they leave my side I will make a move. With that decided I let out a soft sigh and give in. I let the man prod at me, all while the boy stands back with a small smile on his face.

I wince whenever the man presses against an open sore or cut. Only when he leaves does the boy come beside my bed and sit in the seat placed beside it.

"I'm Aspen. If you were wondering." He says, smiling at me sheepishly. I look away from him and at the window. I don't mean to be rude, but I do not trust this boy fully yet. Yes, he may be pure. I don't know his intentions. Nobody helps a stranger, they always have a hidden motive. He sighs heavily before trying again. "You worried me, you were barely breathing. I didn't know what to do."

I look down at my frail body. Knowing that he's speaking the truth. I've never been fully healthy, but this is the worst I've ever been. I'll learn, once I know that I'm safe, I'll take better care of myself. Until then, I'll have to make do.

Where to next? I'll have to go cross country, and hope that they have given up on me.
It's not like I'm important. They'll need their trackers and warriors at some point. The search will be called off.

"What's your name?" He asks me again, his tone not discouraged in the least. He's persistent that's for sure. I turn back at him and raise an eyebrow at him. Unsure of why he cares to know what's my name.

"Usually, the first thing you learn about somebody is their name. Instead, all I know is your blood type. It's O negative in case you were wondering." He says, looking at me deeply with his hazel eyes. I look around the room for paper and something to write with. I find it on the table beside him, I point towards it. His eyes lighten up immediately. He passes it to me, with trembling hands I take it from him and place it on my knees. I write something down and show it to him.

"Why?" He reads. Looking up at me. I nod my head in affirmation. "I want to know you." He answers. I frown at his response and tap the word again. "I can't answer why."

I scoff, and look away. The last time somebody wanted to get to know me was a ploy to make me his submissive. The only reason why that didn't work out was my father not thinking I'm worthy enough for that title.

"Little man. I'm not going to hurt you, or mislead you." He says. Reaching over and placing his hand on my arm. Where they branded me with their mark. I scream loudly, feeling the burn of the iron radiating up my arm.

He lets go quickly. "Hey, hey, calm down. Nobody is hurting you. They aren't here." He whispers. Running his fingers through my hair soothingly.

Slowly I calm down. Looking at him in pain. Tears streaming down my face. After, once I can function I pick up the pencil.

"Don't let them find me."

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