Be careful what you wish for (2)

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*Aspen's p.o.v*

Running is simply in my nature. I don't need to shift to have a proper run. Barefooted and shirtless will do just fine. I felt the soft grass and mud turmoil under my feet and between my toes. The trees, a dime a dozen, weren't any problem dodging under the inhumane speed I was accelerating at several miles per hour.

A smug smile plastered on my face in pure and utter happiness as I leaped effortlessly from the top of the hill, landing gracefully on all fours before sprinting once more coming on two feet.

Oh how I loved this. This freedom. This feeling. This adrenaline coursing through every vein in my body as the sweat caresses my forehead and down to my cheeks. Cooling my tanned skin in an instant whenever the wind fondled my face.

At times like this I wonder why? Why was I not allowed to run? I may be the only child... but protection has nothing to do with my concealment. I live in a remote area for Goddess sake. I stare outside my bedroom window in desire and awe each day as mother earth practically taunts me, begging me to explore the outdoors. To see what this world had to offer man as it was intended to be since the beginning of time. I couldn't hold it back forever. If there was something to blame this urge on... I'd blame my instincts.

It was only fair of course. As natural as how an eagle must spreads his wings to feel the air around his greedy feathers in his natural element... a Cheetah must run and feel the earth beneath his feet like the natural predator he is. There was no need for prey as I have already pretended to be one for the night. I pretended and wished my entire childhood that the night would chase me. To give me a reason to run all my life and never stop.

Mother had told me once, a time when she was still sane and loving, to be careful of what you wish for.

How true that saying was. How true indeed.

My legs never tire, and they never stray from the path they feel the need to explore and see what's new out there. Would a new village be discovered once more? Would I find a family of bears? Deer? A nest to spy on in awe at the natural beauty there was? What could there be? My bright hazel eyes widened in excitement at all the possibilities. The simplicities in life were enough to make me so content. More happy than I've ever been in my own home in years.

I shook my head gruffly at the thoughts sinking itself into my mind, clearing the unwanted speculations as I hurdled over rows of berry bushes with swife leaps...


I skidded to a stop, leaving a trail behind from the sudden halt. I looked back, eyeing the new discovery.

I've never seen those before... how far did I go this time?

I raise a curious brow, looking up at the night sky before taking a deep breath as I sniffed the area as far as my abilities could go. My nostrils filled with something raw, something rare... something unfamiliar. What is this smell?

The curiousity spiked inside, making me sprint towards the direction of the unknown aroma  that was drawing me in like a moth to the flames of fire. Willing, yet in a trance like faith was once again pulling her strings of entertainment. 

My strong steps became quicker with every second that passed so swiftly as my pulse pumped in excitement. It was trilling you see, the wonders that the night held as a secret to be revealed to those willing enough to seek its treasures. What is it? I wondered. What was just beyond the beauty that was nature? Was it dangerous? Should I ignore it and turn the other way like a normal shifter would do if he was in my situation?...

Heck no.

If it was curiosity that killed the cat then so be it, for I much rather be that than questioning for the rest of my solitude life of what I would find so sue me. Besides... it was satisfaction that bought the curious kitten back.

The scent became stronger, I noticed. It was definitely something I've never had the experience to come across before on my nightly visits here, so how would I know when I've found it? How would I know what this rare creature looked like? It was alive, I believe. My highly sensitive ears picked up the sound of a faint heartbeat... almost too faint to be alive though, which worried me, but there was more. The scent was surrounded by another aroma that worried me. A stench as rotten as a decaying corpse was definitely near it.

Then, I stopped, knowing exactly this was it. This was where I would find the source.

My feet almost burned in weariness, as I span around in a full blown three sixty circular motion, sighting not one uniqueness that wasn't trees, twigs, or grass.

"Where are you?" I whispered into the void, tracking around where the scent was most definitely the strongest.

Then I heard it, I shuffle of the leaves above, making me snap my neck upwards the  branches several feet high. There was a figure there. A frail shape, just peaking out from the dark shadows of the braches that concealed it almost too well. If it weren't for my keen eyes that makes the night so much brighter, a normal person wouldn't see a damn thing. Then I was sure of it, watching as the figure shaped out to be something almost clear to miss.

A human shape.

"Hey!" I called out sharply, my voice choppy from hydration as questions filled my wondering mind. What was someone doing out here? It's miles away more from the village  outside of these woods. This person could get hurt. "What are you doing up there!? HEY!"

A soft gasp escaped from above as more shuffling from the leaves became audible all around. What was this person doing? I saw movement, but heard no reply which I personally found very rude.

I've never seen a movie, but I've always heard about them from my parents when they lived as humans for the time being. they said there were these scenes that went exaggeratingly slow as the climax occurs. a slow motion, if you will. I may have never experienced these on the device they called a television, but what happened next certainly did count as one.

I could've moved. Goddess knows I'm fast enough, but for some reason, I didn't. my feet were firmly planted on the ground... when a small body landed right on top of me... hard.

Be careful what you wish for, my mother would say. I didn't know just how true that statement was yet.

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