For You

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This is an old story - the first I ever wrote. 

It's one I post and remove depending on my confidence and nerves about my poor writing skills.

I'm deciding to post it once again, in an attempt to embrace my old writing and as a reminder of where I started. My writing has improved since I first wrote Laila's story, and it's one I find myself always coming back to, even in other stories I write. 

My writing has not improved greatly, but I'm slowly learning from my mistakes and enjoying the creative journey. I have left all my errors in this version, so I will always remember past mistakes. I hope it does not alter your reading enjoyment too much.

To all my lovely followers who loved Laila and Drake first, and have always been patient with my insecurities - this story is yours. I will do my best not to let my nerves get the better of me and remove it again. 

Happy reading <3

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