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Molly's POV: I sighed as I sat in my living room. I had just come back from a monster hunt with Dipper and had sustained some scratches and bruises. They were nothing big, but they still hurt.

To my surprise, when I came home, Bill was nowhere to be seen. Usually he'd be waiting for me patiently in the living room or floating boredly about the house. Today however, he wasn't doing either.

"Bill? Are you here?" I whined, painfully. There was a moment of silence before a voice spoke. "Yeah, hold on!" He replied, a crashing sound being heard. "You better not be-" "I know, I know, I'm not!" "Good," I said, wincing from the sting of the cuts and bruises adorning my body.

He floated in in his demon form, otherwise known as his Dorito form and spotted me on the couch. His eye widened immediately as he flew over to me, seeing the injuries strewn about my body.

"What happened?!" "Nothing. It's just a couple scratches and bruises. Nothing to be-" Suddenly, cyan flames surrounded my body. They felt gentle and pleasingly warm. After a couple of seconds, they dematerialized, leaving my skin with no blemishes or scars to be seen. "-Worried about. Where'd you learn to do that?" "Oh, that? It's just a little spell I've been practicing ever since Damien's little scheme," He replied, looking at his fingernails. "Pretty efficient, I'd say!" I rolled my eyes.

Ever since Damien's little defeat speech, Bill's been taking extra precautions. He doesn't want me to get hurt, I understand that. But, he's been going over-the-top with protection spells and stuff like that.

"Could you take it down a notch? I understand you're worried about me but, don't you think that this is a bit much?" "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH!" He yelled, looking determined. I sighed, "Well, this feels like too much. Why don't you just take a breather? Calm down, it's not like it's the end of the world or anything!" He thought for a moment and then took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Done! Now, back to protecting you!" "You take everything way too literally!" I giggled. "Well, how else am I supposed to take it?" He said, his eye changing to a happy expression.

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