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Dipper's POV: (Yes, you read correctly!) Mabel and I decided to visit Molly. We hadn't seen her since she got home from that monster hunt a couple days ago and I was getting worried.

I knocked on her front door and waited. Hearing no answer, I knocked again, this time a bit harder.

"HANG ON A SECOND!" It was Bill.

The door swung open, revealing the demon who, though he didn't need sleep, looked sleep-deprived. His eye was droopy and had bags like mine after confronting the triangle for a second time, after Gideon's deal.

"Woah, uh, hi. Bill, have you seen Molly?" Immediately his eye widened slightly. "She's asleep and can't talk to you now! Bye!" He replied, slamming the door in both Mabel's and my face.

I knew something was wrong.

"Bill! Where is she?!" "Asleep in her room!"

I shook the door but it wouldn't budge. He was blocking the door, keeping it from opening. He did something to her. I know it.

"Let us in, you isosceles menace!" Mabel yelled, banging on the door. "I don't have to listen to-OOF!" He yelled, as she swung the door open, throwing Bill into the wall on the other side of the room.

The demon blinked then looked as if he smiled, sinisterly. He got up off of the floor and floated towards us, still "smirking" evilly.

"Oh, it doesn't matter what you do, anyways. My plans are basically finished!" "What plans?" He chuckled as Molly's house was surrounded by a blue aura and uprooted from the ground, the plumbing entangled in a large amount of dirt.

Just as suddenly as Molly's house was lifted off the ground, the sky suddenly became blood red, the clouds a smokey grey and lightning flashed, thunder sounding closely after.

I yelled as I stumbled forwards a bit, the movement making me lose some of my footing. I grabbed Mabel and hugged her tightly, both of us screaming as the house was lifted higher off the ground.

Bill laughed as he saw our fear.


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