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Molly's POV: I gasped as my eyes shot open. Was it real? Was it a dream? I contemplated as I laid in bed then, sat up. I ran to the window and looked out.

It wasn't a dream.

The sky was no longer red, making it easier to see the damage. The trees were now blackened but the fire was put out. Ashes were spread about the forest floor in black piles. No black hole was anywhere to be seen but houses along the sides of the streets were visibly damaged and their lawns had a brown line around them, marking the spots where they had been ripped from the ground.

I brought my hand to my mouth in shock. Why is everything back to normal? Is Bill planning something greater?

There was a clanking noise from the kitchen.

My feet moved me towards the stairs and I leaned over the railing, curiously. My eyes widened as I saw the triangular demon, his hands glowing as he levitated a loaf of bread, peanut butter, a knife, and jelly out of the pantry and refrigerator. A round, flat plate sat on the counter in front of him, what I assumed was the source of the noise from earlier.

He blinked as the objects were softly placed on the counter next to the plate and stared into space. I knew he had spotted me.

"Hi," he said, sadly. I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, I really am." I still refused to reply, my face keeping its stern expression as I walked down the stairs.

No words could describe my feelings towards him at this moment. I could try but, it still wouldn't accurately describe them.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." "Wh-what do you mean?" "What you've done is almost completely unforgivable." "Almost! You said almost!" "NO!" The demon bounced back slightly as my brows curved, eyes burning with angry flames."

"DO YOU REALIZE HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU MAY HAVE KILLED IN THIS WHOLE ORDEAL!?" His eye widened at my fury. "You should think about what you've done.." I said before turning around and strutting back up the stairs.

Bill's POV: I was shocked. She had never reacted that way to me before. I just floated there, absentmindedly until I blinked, snapping out of it.

My hands glowed once again as the jars of peanut butter and jelly were opened, a knife collecting some of each and spreading them onto the bread on the plate.

Molly's POV: I couldn't believe him. He thinks that after all that commotion, I'm going to forgive him just like that?!

I stood, my arms crossed, looking out the window. My face was contorted into a glare as my eyes flicked between each burned house and destroyed tree.

"Uh, I know you're kinda angry right now...But....I've got something for you...I hope you don't mind," It was Bill. "Whatever it is, I don't want it." "B-but, you haven't eaten in a couple days..I just thought...You know..," I turned around slowly, seeing the triangle floating in the doorway, a plate holding a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in his hands. He looked genuinely guilty and just floated there, waiting for me to reply.

Eventually, after a minute of silence, he looked at the ground, sadly, put the plate on my dresser with a small clank, and floated away from my door, down the hallway, his color fading to blue and arms hanging at his sides. I watched as he floated further down the hall and then, looked out the window at the end of it.

"I understand why she won't forgive me. I caused the thing that had killed my own parents years ago. My whole species. I could've just as easily killed hers. I....I didn't know what I was doing. She'll never forgive me.....I would never forgive myself either," His grip on the window tightened as he shivered slightly. "I'll never do it again..."

I walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You are forgiven." He looked up at me in shock, "What?" "You understand what you've done wrong, realize the pain you caused others, and have suffered some of the consequences of it. To be truly sorry is to understand all these things and admit to your wrongdoings, saying you'll never do it again. The last thing you need to do to be fully forgiven, however, is clean up your mess," I gestured to the mess of ashes and rubble out the window. "B-but, I could've killed your friends, family, or entire species! H-how can you forgive me for doing that!?" "There's a difference between saying something is okay and saying something is forgiven. I'm not saying what you did was okay. All I said was that you're forgiven," I said, calmly, smiling sadly.

He stared at me for a minute longer before giving me a hug and then disappearing. Almost immediately after he disappeared, there was a flash of blinding white light.

I looked out the window only to see everything returning to normal. A blue glow surrounded the forest, causing the trees to grow back at a rapid pace. Rubble was fixed back into their respective places on the houses. People were floating, surrounded in a cyan aura and slowly, their wounds were disappearing.

The sound of a microphone screeching was heard, followed by the clearing of someone's throat. "People of Gravity Falls. I'm terribly sorry for that little..Predicament that was resolved just moments ago. What I did was completely and utterly wrong. I realize that now and hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I've done. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused. People I've injured. Lives I may have taken. I can only hope that, after cleaning up the mess I've made, you can live on happily. I understand if you can't forgive me. I'm so, so sorry...," The speech ended and, as it did, the citizens of the small town stared up to the sky in bewilderment. A boy, reunited with his healed parents smiled slightly, hugging them close.

I smiled and, as Bill reappeared beside me, I put an arm around his shoulders. "You did good."

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