Chapter three

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"What the hell is going on around here?" I slowly started to walk down the hallway to my class when something hit me.. No one is here.

"Where is everyone? it's Thursday I know we have school. I should call Kirsten or Danny."

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"Hai Victoria what's up?!"

"Hai Kirsten what's going on like no one is at the school?"

"Can you meet me and Danny somewhere? We need to talk"

"Um yeah sure.. Is everything okay?"

"Not exactly were shocked your still here just meet us at my house okay?"

Then the call ended.

I walked outside to get to my car but it seemed oddly dark outside. The weird thing was the sun was still shining but there was almost as if there was no light coming from it. I ran as fast as I could to my car.

I slammed my car door shut and I quickly drove to Kirsten's house.

"Wait a second there are no cars on the road.."

"What the hell is going on!? Someone answer me!!"

That's when my phone started to ring.

"H-hello?" My voice was shaking.

"Is this Victoria?" The voice was muscular and strong.

"Depends on who's asking.."

"Well then... I guess we will see each other soon."

Then he hung up.

I quickly pulled into Kirsten's driveway. Then I ran inside and locked the door.

"Whoa Victoria are you okay? You look totally freaked."

Danny walked downstairs with two other guys one was shorter then the other and one had pretty long hair.

"Hello Victoria."

"Danny! Who the hell are these guys?! What the hell is going on?! Where is everyone at?!"

"This is Sam and dean that's what they are here to help us figure out."

The taller one with the long hair walked closer and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Can you answer some questions for us?"

I shook my head slowly.

"Okay so have you been.. Well seeing things like.. People or objects that relate to your past?"

Are these people crazy?

"I-I um thought I saw someone in the school hallway calling himself death. And I got a strange voicemail. Strange text messages and a letter with a picture of my brother that died years ago."

God damn I sound crazy not them.

"Okay it's safe to tell you that your not crazy but it is real in a way.."

"Okay my name is dean and this is my  brother Sam. Let's cut to the chase here. Something is taking over the world and we need your help."

Okay maybe I'm not the crazy one.

"Are you fucking crazy?!!? I thought I was going crazy but NOOO you win by a long shot."

"Okay listen and think about it.. Okay? The sun is shining but there is no light. The illusions you've been seeing. Put the pieces together."

I sat there for a few seconds thinking. Then I started to scream.


Dean put is hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Victoria calm down okay? We will find her I promise."

I took in a deep and let it out.

"Okay.. Okay what can I do to help?"

Danny and Kirsten out of the corner of my eye disappeared.

"Uhm guys my friends just disappeared.. Where are they?!"

"Dean do you want to tell her?"

"No. Rock Paper Scissors?"

Is this guy serious?

"Fine whatever."

Dean threw paper and sam threw rock.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cursed under his breath.

"Okay well I guess I should start by saying they were taken away by the darkness."

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