Chapter 1

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Normal P.O.V.       

Noah groaned as he opened his eyes and shut off his alarm clock. He put a pillow over his face and rolled onto his stomach. He laid there for a few moments in silence until his alarm clock went off again. He cursed, realizing he had hit the snooze button instead, and through the pillow off of his head, then pushed himself up so his chest was in push up position, but his legs remained on the bed.

He rolled over, shut his clock off for real this time, and climbed out of bed, going to his dresser and grabbing his grey, long sleeved Pierce The Veil shirt, black skinny jeans, and his bracelets, then walked out and went to the bathroom to wash up.

He hoped in the shower, quickly washed up, along with washing his hair, and got out. He dried off and put his clothes on then blow dried his hair. He then went back into his room, put on his Batman socks and converse shoes, brushed his hair, then put on his grey beanie. He did a quick mirror check, grabbed his backpack, and walked out, shutting his bedroom door behind him.

He walked down the hall and into his living room and kitchen. He lived in a small trailer with his older brother, Jason, who was 26. Their parents had died in a car accident when he was 8. Ever since then he's been raised by Jason. He grabbed a smore poptart and left the house for school.

When Noah arrived at school, he walked in and went straight to his locker. He stuffed his stuff into it, only grabbing what he needed, and shut it, walking to breakfast. He never really ate at school, but he always went to hangout with his friends, Jessica and Natasha.

He arrived at the cafeteria and looked around. A lot of students had already filled the room. He found Jessica and Natasha eating at their usual table. He walked over and set his stuff on the table and sat down. Jessica had just got there so she stood and went to get her breakfast.

Natasha smiled at Noah. "Hey Noah."

Noah smiled back. "Nat."

"Did you do the algebra homework? Because I tried to, but got confused." She said, grabbing her homework folder and taking out the math work. Noah scooted closer and looked at it, helping her. Jessica soon joined them. He stayed until he finished helping Natasha, then stood up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom then go to class, so I'll see you later." He told them. "Alright, thanks Noah." Natasha said as she put her folder away.

Jessica pouted. "Aw, already? Alright. See ya later Noah-poo!" Noah groaned at the nickname, making her grin, and walked out of the cafeteria. He turned right, walked down the hall, then went left. He passed the high school exit, office, and the big eagle statue that was by the stairs. It's their mascot. Noah walked a little further and got to the bathroom. He walked in and went.

Noah finished going just as two jocks walked in. He silently cursed, but continued walking to the sink. He got there and washed his hands, then dried them. Just as he was about to walk out, the two noticed him. They smirked and walked over to him. "Well if it isn't little faggy boy." One said. "Did you come in here to cut yourself again?" The other taunted.

Noah didn't reply as he wrapped his arms around himself and was backed into the wall. "Sh-Shut up.... I don't cut..." He said quietly. And it was true. He had never cut once. No matter what they said to him, he would remain strong, even though he's thought about it.

Both the jocks laughed. "Aw, are you scared? Do you want your mommy? Oh wait, she's dead." Noah growled, his heart tightening in pain and tears forming in his eyes as he looked down.

"Well that wasn't very nice." A new voice said. All three looked at the doorway. A guy with black hair, a lip piercing, and stood at almost 6'0. He walked closer. "I don't like mean things. Shall I get a teacher? You're both wearing varsity jackets. Football? You could get kicked off the team if your coach was to find out about this."

The jocks growled. "Whatever! We have better things to do." They stormed out of the bathroom, Noah and the guy watching. When they were out of sight, the guy looked at Noah and walked up to him. "Stupid buffoons. Are you alright?" He asked.

Noah nodded and stood up straight. "Yes, thank you." The guy grinned. "No problem. I'm Gage by the way."

"I'm Noah." Noah looked at Gage. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before." Gage nodded. "Yeah. I just moved here from Rochester."

"Oh, that must suck. Living in a big city then moving to the middle of nowhere." Gage chuckled. "Eh, it's not that bad. Like any school, there are some jerks and some cool people." Noah smiled. "What class do you have first?"

"Um," Gage opened his backpack and took out his schedule that he had stuffed into it. Noah rolled his eyes and grabbed the schedule from Gage's hand. He uncrumpled it and scanned through it. "Lets see..... We have 2nd, 3rd...... 7th and 8th..... 11th and 12th together." Gage grinned and nodded. "Alright, cool. Can you show me where my first class it? It's Math 3, I think."

Noah nodded and handed the schedule back to Gage. "Sure, it's right by my class, follow me."

Gage nodded and followed Noah out of the bathroom.

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