Chapter 17

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Noah groaned in pain as he slowly opened his eyes. He tried a few times until they finally stayed up. He looked around and found himself in what looked to be a hospital room. "Mm...." He grabbed his head in pain.

"Noah?" He heard a voice say. He looked over and found Jason and Natasha in the doorway. They walked in and over to him. Jason sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Hey, bud. How ya feeling?" He asked. Noah held his head. "My head.... It hurts..."

Jason nodded. "It's gonna, you were kicked. You're luck a concussion is all you have and that it's not amnesia or anything."

"Oh..." Noah said.

"What happened?" Natasha asked, walking up to the bed. Noah bit his lip gently. "These jocks attacked me..." Jason's eyes widened. "What?! Why?!"

"Because... I'm dating Gage." Jason stared at him, eyes wide. "What.....? Noah... Why? I told you not to."

Natasha left the room, deciding to leave the two brothers alone to talk with each other. "I know you did, Jason, but I like him. I really, reallyy like him. And I'm gonna be with him no matter what you say. I'm sorry." Jason silently listened.

They oth sat there a moment in silence. Jason looked away from Noah and wouldn't look back at him. Noah frowned, a little hurt, but watched quietly. "I don't want you to grow up..." Jason said quietly. "What? What do you mean?" Noah said, confused.

"You're growing up... Soon you'll be getting your permt. You'll drive places, meet new people, fall in love, and move away. You won't need me anymore. You'll forget about me."

"Jason, you're my big brother. I would never just forget you. I love you. You've always been there for me, and you took me in when mom and dad died, when you could have put me inn a foster home and moved on with your life. You gave it up for me, how culd I just move away and for you?" Noah said, sitting up carefully.

"I dont know... I just worry..." Jason said. "And then you met Gage. You two went to the party and ggot in trouble. I got scared becuase if the cops wanted to, they could take you away and put you in a foster home. I didn't want that to happen. And you two were getting so close, I worried you two would fall in love." Jason looked down.

Noah wrapped his arms around Jason and pulled him into a hug, burrying his face into his chest. Jason wrapped his arms around Noah and held him close. "I love you, little brother..." Jason mumbled into his hair. "I love you, too, big brother." Noah said into his chest. "And you don't have to worry about losing me. I'll always be your little brother and here for you. And even Gage will be. And Natasha. We're all here for you."

"I know... I know you are...." Noah kept his face in his brothers chest, hugging him. They stayed like that for a while before a nurse came in with Noah's dinner. She set the food on a little table that hung over the bed so when he laid down, the table would hang above him. She did a few checks on him before saying, "Alright, everything seems to be fine. He'll probably have a few headaches, but if he takes some painkillers, he should be fine. We're gonna keep him overnight, but he can go home tomorrow afternoon. I recommend keeping him home from school for a few days, though."

Jason nodded. "Ok, thank you." She nodded and rose the bed up so Noah was sitting up before leaving the room. Natasha walked in. "Hey, my mom's here to pick me up." She said. Jason and Noah looked over. "Aw, ok." Noah held his arms out for a hug. Natasha laughed and walked over, giving him a gentle hhug. She kisses his cheek, said goodbye to Jason, then left the room, leaving the two brother's alone once more.

Noah ate his dinner and noticed that Jason was just leaning back in the chair, looking at the TV. "Aren't you hungry?" He asked him. "Oh, yeah. I am." Jason said, looking over at his younger brother. Noah giggled and scooped some of his food up and held it to Jason's mouth. "Open up!" He said happily. Jason chuckled and did as ordered, opening his mouth and allowing the door to be put in. He closed his mouth and Noah pulled the fork our of his mouth, allowing Jason to chew. And that's how they spent their night.

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