Chapter 27

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A few weeks had gone by and nothing had changed, minus the fact that Jessica had not said a word nor looked in Noah's, Gage's, or Natash'a direction since that day. So that was a big change. Since that day, no one had even tried to bother them. Of course, they weren't complaining. Life had become much more peaceful since then. Noah and Gage had worked out the Echo situation and Echo and Noah had actually became pretty good friends.

After lots of begging, Echo's parents decided that Echo was old enough to live on his own, so he moved to Wayland and now attended school with them. Thanksgiving was a week away and Noah and Gage had decided that for it, their family was going to get together and meet for the first time.

Noah was currently lying on his bed playing Candy Crush. He was on level 201 and was kicking it's butt when he heard his phone vibrate. Being he was on his tablet, it didn't effect his game. He set his tablet down and grabbed his phone off the stand by his table. He unlocked the screen and checked to see who texted him, his eyes widening when he saw who it was.



We need to talk. Meet me at the park. Alone

10/19/15 6:23PM

She wanted to talk. Alone. In an empty place. At night. This was not good.

Noah bit his bottom lip and climbed out of bed. He knew that this was a bad idea, but they really need to talk and put an end to all of this. If they didn't now, who know what would happen later.

Noah walked over to his closet and grabbed his jacket. He then went and slipped on his shoes. He left his room and went out to the front. He turned on the porch light so he could see when he got home and he was off to the park.

The walk there only took him about half an hour to 45 minutes. When he arrived at the park, he found Jessica sitting on one of the swings. He took a deep breath and slowly approached her. "Jessica."

She looked up from the ground and to Noah. "You came." She said as she watched him walk up. Noah gave a slight nod and walked over to the swing next to her, sitting down on it. "Yeah...... So why did you invite me....." He questioned, staring down at the small pebbles that covered the gross the whole time.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.... I've been getting counseling and it's really helping me. What I did was wrong.... Insulting you... hurting you... touching Gage... I.... I told the principal that it was me who touched him. I'm so sorry...." Jessica admitted, trying not to cry. Noah looked at her and frowned. He stood up and walked over, wrapping one of his arms around her shoulder.

As soon as he did that, she broke down sobbing into him, crying, "I'm s-so sorry...." Noah held her closer and let her cry into him. He rubbed her back, listening to her incoherent words. "Sh... It's OK." He whispered to her as he held her closer. And that's how they stayed.

-The Next Day-

Noah climbed into Gage's car and looked over at him. Gage was looking back at him. "Hey, where were you last night? I tried to call and text you, but you never answered."

"Yeah... I was out... I.... was talking to Jessica." Noah told him. Gage's eyes widened. "What?! Why!?"

"She invited me. So I went."

"She could have hurt you! Or had someone do something to you again!" Gage exclaimed.

Noah sighed. "But she didn't. Gage, she invited me so she could apologize."

"How do you know she wasn't lying to you?"

"She was sobbing. I've never seen her cry so hard before...."

"She could have been acting." Gage said. Noah sighed and rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "Fine, whatever. We'll find out if she meant it or not when we get to school. She's gonna turn herself in for touching you." Gage didn't respond as he pulled off to go to school, but Noah could just by looking at him that he was definitely surprised.

-Skip To School-

When Noah and Gage walked into the school and by the office, they could see Jessica sitting in there. Gage looked over to Noah who watched him. He sighed and they walked to and into the lunch room together.

-After First Period-

Gage stood outside Noah's class, waiting for him to come out. When he did, he walked with him to Global. "Well.... she did it." He said as they walked up the stairs. Noah looked at him as Gage continued. "During first period I got called down to the dean's office and he apologized for everything. Even she did."

Noah nodded slightly. "See? I told you so. She meant what she said." Gage sighed and wrapped his arm around Noah's shoulder. "Yeah, you were. Sorry about that." Noah nodded. "It's OK." They reached the classroom and went in, each going to their own seat. When the bell rang, they looked forward and began to listen to the teacher.

-After 12th Period-

At the end of the day, Noah, Gage, Echo, Natasha, and Ash all met up around Gage's car. "So.... she admitted it? She's going to leave us alone from now on?" Natasha asked after Noah and Gage told them about Jessica.

Noah nodded. "Yep. She's getting counseling and everything." He explained to them. Natasha nodded. "Good. She definitely needs help." She said. Everybody else nodded in agreement. They hung out in the school parking lot until all the buses up front left and when they did, Natasha and Ash said their goodbyes and left. Echo had to go back inside, so, he too said goodbye and went in.

Noah and Gage climbed inside the car and sat there for a moment, not saying anything, but hold hands. After a couple moments, Noah spoke. "I love you..." He said, looking over to Gage. Gage looked back at him and smiled a little. "I love you, too, Gage."

Noah smiled back and leaned over, kissing Gage who kissed him back. They knew that they still had a lot to go through, but they'd get through it all together.

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