Part 3

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Annabeth's POV:
"Allons-y? What does that mean?" I asked Doctor, confused. "It's French. For 'Let's go.'" He explained, not caring about the fact, that they were going to be punished. "You speak French?" "No, just this." He shook his head. We stood in front of Flitwick's cabinet. He knocked. The door opened, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He asked, his high pitched voice filling the hall. "Professor Umbridge sent us, to give you this." I passed him the parchment. He opened it and started reading. "Come in." He motioned us inside. "You guys argued with professor Umbridge?" "Debated would be a better word." Doctor said, sounding uninterested. I mentally cursed. He was going to make it worse. "She writes what exactly you said. I must say, that you argumented like true Ravenclaws. Twenty-five points for Ravenclaw. But you'll be having detention together with Mr Potter and Mr di Angelo for the next week. However I'm proud of you, I must ask you to never argue with professor Umbridge again." "Yes, sir." We both reply. "Goodbye then." "Goodbye." We left. "He must hate Toad-sama as much as we do." He said smiling. "Why do you always talk back to people, who are mad at you?" "Dunno, guess it's a habit of mine... It can save your life, you know..." This guy never stops smiling! We meet Nico and Harry on our way to Great Hall. "Did Flitwick warn you?" "About Umbridge? Yeah." I reply to Harry's question. "Did McGonagall give you points?" Doctor asked. "For our debating skills? Yep." Nico smirks. We sit next to Clara. "Hey." She greetted us, making place on the bench. "How was the rest of class?" Doctor asked, putting fish fingers on his plate. "Boring." Clara pouted. "If you joined in, you would be fine, you know." "Why are you dipping your fish stick in CUSTARD?" I asked, interrupting their conversation. "Fish STICK?" Clara said confused. "We say that in America. But back to my question." I look suspiciously at him. "It's good." He said, licking the custard of the fish stic - FINGER. I look at Clara. She takes one finger from Doctor and splits it in half. She passes me one and we dip it in cusard. "Hope we survive." Clara shoves her half into her mouth. I do the same thing. I swallow. "That's horrible." Clara manages to say. "Totally." I nod. "No, it's not." Doctor pouts, sounding offended. "Hey." "Percy!" The Hufflepuffs went past our table. "How was your class?" Doctor asks. "We're out of class for an hour and half." Said Jason. "What did you have?" Clara said, puzzled. "Potions with Slytherin." Smiled Amy. "Snape would NEVER let you out of class." Said Clara, still sounding puzzled. "Well, it happened like this..." Jason started.

A/N: I know that Slytherin has potions with Gryffindor...

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