Chapter 1: the drivers licence

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Before you read
Thank you for taking the time to read my book :) I would like to thank every one who helped me with it and for my mom for buying me the app 😂 and if you had something bad to comment don't comment at all please :) please don't copyright either, thank you for the support! !
I walked pasted my sister and her sophomore wanna be friends, my hair was flowing and shining beautifully down my back and every guy was staring yes staring at me. Which doesn't usually happen because I'm a nerd according to almost every one. I go to my locker and someone hugs me from behind, it's my boyfriend, Harry Styles. "Kazzy," Harry speaks ever so softly. "Yes?" "Wake up". I open my eyes. "Kazzy, wake up," . "Cammie! What the heck are you doing in here?" "It's seven o'clock," Cammie says, walking away to go put on her shoes. I look at my digital clock and of course it reads "7:00" I quickly throw on my "it's my 16th birthday t-shirt on" and put on my mint green converse. I quickly try to fit my skinny jeans through my converse. I grab my brush and start brushing my hair and forget to brush my teeth. I grab my back pack and walk out the door. Cammie looks as beautiful as ever and I look like a dead rat with a rat's nest of a pony tail. I wait for the bus, I'm think I'm the only senior in the world without a license. I'm getting my drivers test in a couple weeks and with my luck, I'll probably fail. I get on the bus with Cammie and sit next to a random girl. She's on the phone with who seems like her dad, but I don't have a dad because my mom told me "we're too cool for a dad". So I just went along with it, I was 8 at the time. We pull up to the high school and I get off, along with my boyfriend and best friend. "Vicky!" I shout because she starts going to her locker. "What Kazz" her real name is violet I just call her Vicky. "See Sarah over there?" "Yeah" "She asked Cameron out last week but he said yes to me" we snickered. People call us the blabbin, well let's just say female dogs and I think me and Vicky live up to that name. "Hey I'm also getting my drivers text in a couple weeks, wanna get something to eat afterwards?" "Sure Kazz".
Two weeks later
I put my hand on the wheels of what will be my yellow beetle car. My instructed asked me if I'm ready I give her a thumbs up. I'll be shocked if my mom doesn't go into cardiac arrest in a couple minutes. We can skip through the driving test part but long story short I passed and that's all the matters. I call Violet and we get in my shiny new car and look around town and see what to get. We go shopping a bit and we both wasted all of our money so I invite her home to dinner. At the dinner table I decide to talk. "I can't believe I don't have to ride the bus now," I chop into my steak. "Yeah you will, you have to look over Cammie," my mom starts blabbing. "But mom, she's almost 16," "who cares she's younger than you and you have to drive her to places if she wants to go," "but mom, I'm the one who got my li-" "I don't care she's your little sister take care of her, end of conversation," my mom yells. I can't believe this it's so unfair. Having to drive my sister in my car. I finished my steak and mashed potatoes and say bye to Violet and storm up to my room and I would cry but I forgot, I share that with my sister too.

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