Chapter 5: Boyfriends and Puppies

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      Okay it's official. Ellie's pregnant. Great. I'll probably sell them for shopping money, but I want to keep one. Ellie is going to start to get moody, and take mess because her body can't handle the millions of puppies in her tummy. But I'm excited for her.
      Me and Cameron go on our 2 year anniversary. We go to a football game and he rents out a suite for us to stay in. Awkward, whenever we go out to a game, he's a social butterfly and talks to everyone. We sit down in spiny chairs and spin around like a couple of kids, but we finally watch the game.
The announcer tells every one to look at our suite and I become confused. Cameron gets out of his chair and onto 1 knee. I get GIGANTIC butterflies in my stomach.
"Kazzy, will you marry me?" Everyone claps
"Yes, Cameron, yes!"
We hug and kiss and people clap more. I'm glad he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I'm engaged. I no longer have a boyfriend, I have a husband. Well a fiancé but soon to be husband. I can't wait to look at houses, pick out a wedding dress, get a ring, and maybe even have a kid. Just like Ellie, except I won't have a million. Well I could, but that would be supernatural. And weird. But at least they would be his. I just wonder who Ellie's puppies are, if they come out looking funny, I'm blaming the neighbors with the funny looking dog.

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