2. Cell

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 Disclaimer: I'm thankful for all the episodes Dan Schneider had created for us to watch.

This is the second installment of my bizarre fanfic. Nothing graphical in here, just description. Since Cat is the only one conscious, she'd somewhat be the main focus on the front part of the story. If you think that this chapter or story deserves an trigger warning, let me know.


Cat whimpered frantically behind the gag, fighting unavailing against the bonds around her wrists that had her arms bent and fitted against the small of her back. She glanced over to the bald man sitting opposite her, his back leaning against the doors with Jade's head - whose wound was still oozing a tiny stream of blood - lying dangerously close to where his feet were placed. He chuckled loudly, greatly amused by her pity attempt to loosen the binds that held her arms and legs tightly together.

Cat squirmed weakly against the binds over her wrists, wiggling and trying to call out to the unconscious girls who are lying around her. However, the words that came out of her mouth were muffled beyond recognition behind the gag. "It's no use, girl," The man told her nonchalantly, smiling wickedly at the redhead as he continued on, "after we reach the facility, you'd rather be tied up like this more than anything else."

She was very confused by his words. ' What's that suppose to mean? ' She wondered as an apprehensive feeling took over her. Her gut feeling was anxiously sending her a message - telling her to find a way out of this hell or something worse and really unpleasant will happen to all of them. Cat let out a restrained cry of what seemed like pleading, but the hefty bald man disregarded her by giving her a nonchalantly sarcastic shrug.


The van drifted abruptly when it reached its destination, causing an unexpectedly sudden jerk in the back of the van. The bald man thrusted the double doors open from inside, resulting in Cat shutting her eyes tightly as brightness of the sun as its rays pour in. The other two man, the one with short, spiky hair and another one with a dragon tattoo on his collarbone both got out of their respective vehicles' door as well - gathering at the back door of the white van.

"Gary, take care of the red headed one." The former driver of the van ordered to the bald man, who had just hopped out of the vehicle, motioning to a very frighten Cat in the van. "Dave, Melvin, pick one of those two," He gestured to the one with short, spiky haired and then the one with dragon tatto, then to the Vega sisters. He then roughly pull Jade over and tossed her over his right shoulder, his palm resting on the back of her thighs to hold her firmly in place. 

Cat struggled against the painfully tight bindings and tried to scream as loudly as she could behind the gag while Gary, the bald man, pulled her towards him by her bonded feet. He had clearly been enjoying her muffled howls of frustration though, as he look on over her with a entertained look plastered across his face. After Cat had somewhat slightly crease her obsoleted screech, the bald man pulled out a blindfold from the clear plastic container beside her.

Gary placed the black cloth over Cat's eyes to prevent her from seeing the path they're about to take, then lifted her up and out of the van, practically dragging the poor redhead across the dirt covered ground to the facility by her bonded arms behind her back. While this was going on Melvin, the one with a dragon tattoo, had fling Trina over his right shoulder and was following closely behind him.

"Francis- uh.. I mean, boss, you better be careful with that girl, she's a feisty one." The one with spiky hair, Dave, smirked to the one with snakebite piercing, after tossing Tori over his left shoulder. "I know," He scoffed, "but this bitch don't stand a chance in fighting against me." Francis called over his shoulder, as he was already halfway towards the said ' facility ' - which was just a really old and abandoned institutional building that were meant for confinement of people who are destitute, disabled, or mentally ill.

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